Dr. Akarsh PariharRukhsar2021-06-082021-06-082019https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810169734The present investigation entitled “Diallel analysis in interspecific lines of mustard (Brassica spp.) and identification of molecular markers linked to aphid resistance” was undertaken to generate information on the magnitude of heterosis, gene action and combining ability effects of parents and F1s for quantitative and qualitative traits in order to suggest a sound breeding methodology for development of high yielding genotypes/ hybrids. The other purpose of this study was to identify aphid resistance linked markers. PCR-based molecular approaches like SSR, CAPS and RAPD markers were used to attain the objective. The research work was carried out at farm of “Research Centre for Distant Hybridization in Field and Fruit Crops” and Biotechnology laboratory, Centre of Excellence in Biotechnology, Dept. of Agricultural Biotechnology, A.A.U., Anand. The crosses were made between interspecific lines taken as parents in rabi 2016-17 whereas the evaluation of parents and hybrids was done in consecutive rabi 2017-18. The screening of 200 F8 RILs for aphid resistance was conducted in rabi 2018-19.EnglishDIALLEL ANALYSIS IN INTERSPECIFIC LINES OF MUSTARD (Brassica spp.) AND IDENTIFICATION OF MOLECULAR MARKERS LINKED TO APHID RESISTANCEThesis