PATIYAL, S.K.BRAR, GAGANPREET SINGH2016-11-172016-11-172013 The present investigation entitled ���������Residue dynamics of acephate, profenophos and triazophos in brinjal (Solanum melongena L.)��������� was carried out in the Department of Entomology, Dr. Y S Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan (HP) during the year 2013. The objectives of the study were to evaluate the persistence of acephate, profenophos and triazophos in brinjal fruits, effect of processings on residues and the accumulation of insecticides in the soil. The persistence study on brinjal fruits recorded initial deposits due to single dose each of acephate, profenophos and triazophos as 0.683, 1.966 and 1.100 mg kg-1, respectively. However, at double dose the deposits were 1.080, 2.460 and 2.233 mg kg-1 for respective insecticides. The initial deposits of 0.270, 0.950 and 0.493 mg kg-1 at single dose and 0.473, 1.423 and 1.186 mg kg-1 at double dose were observed for acephate, profenophos and triazophos, respectively, in brinjal os residues persisted in brinjal fruits upto 7 and 10 days at single and double dose, respectively. The residues of acephate, profenophos and triazophos in fruits reduced to half in less than 2 days. The waiting periods for the respective insecticides were worked out at their limit of determination (0.05 mgkg-1) due to lack of MRL value in India. The safe waiting periods on brinjal were suggested as 7.9, 6.3 and 7.1 days for acephate, profenophos and triazophos, respectively. The tap water washing, saline water washing and lukewarm water washing of brinjal fruits were effective in removing residues upto 43.83, 54.54 and 61.81 per cent, respectively. Open pan and microwave cooking provided upto 68.42 and 73.68 per cent relief, respectively from insecticide residues. Cooking (open pan and microwave) was found as the most effective decontamination process.enRESIDUE DYNAMICS OF ACEPHATE, PROFENOPHOS AND TRIAZOPHOS IN BRINJAL (Solanum melongena L.)Thesis