Dr. D. B. Patil.Akhilesh Kumar2017-07-212017-07-212007http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810025814The present study on ultrasonographic evaluation of the external ear canal was conducted in 32 clinical cases and one cat with a purpose to describe sonographic findings of the external ear canal in normal and abnormal ears. Dogs with reoccurrence of ear disease, chronic otitis externa, hardening at the base of the ear and those not responding to the routine medical management of otitis externa were included in this study. A satisfactory otoscopic examination performed under sedation revealed otorrhoea and ear polyp. The incidence of ear affection was more in age group 4 – 7 years (36%) followed by 0 – 3 years (33%). The ultrasonographic evaluation, with (5 animals) and without (32 dogs) infusion of normal saline of the lateral aspect of affected ear was performed using 5 – 10 MHz linear probe. Ultrasonography of external ear canal facilitated imaging of the hyperplastic response along with measurement of vertical and horizontal earenVeterinary SurgeryStudySTUDIES ON ULTRASONOGRAPHIC EVALUATION OF THE EXTERNAL EAR CANAL IN DOGSThesis