Meti, ShankarPATIL, VIJAYALAKSHMIS. P., WaniMansur, C. P.E., RajashekharaItigi, PrabhakerHadimani, H. P.2020-10-052020-10-052017-08UHS15PGM637 investigation on “Nutritional studies on vegetable soybean in northren dry zone of Karnataka (Glycine max (L.) Merrill.)” was under taken during kharif season of 2016-2017. Factorial combination of two varieties (vegetable soybean variety Swarna Vasundhra and seed soybean variety JS 335) and five fertilizers levels (125, 100,75 and 50 per cent of RDF and 100 per cent RDN through vermicompost) were evaluated in randomized block design with three replications at COH Bagalkot, University of Horticultural Sciences, Bagalkot with a objective of assessing the nutritional requirement of vegetable soybean under northern dry zone of Karnataka. The variety Swarna Vasundhra showed better growth (plant height and total dry matter production), quality traits (stover yield and stover nutrient content) as well as organoleptic quality as compared to JS 335 variety. On the other hand JS 335 showed higher LAI as well as yield parameters like number of pods, fresh pod yield, fresh seed yield and harvest index and also protein content compared to Swarna Vasundhara. Among chemical fertilizer levels 125 per cent RDF recorded significantly higher growth, yield and quality parameters. Application of 125 per cent RDF with Swarna Vasundhara recorded higher nutrient uptake particularly P and K, but with respect to internal utilization efficiency of nutrients JS 335 showed positive trend between nutrient uptake and yield, where as Swarna Vasundhara showed negative trend. Post harvest soil nutrient status varied significantly between variety with Swarna Vasundhara recording significantly lower post harvest soil nutrient particularly N and P compared to JS 335 indicating the need of different level of fertilizer with more balanced nutrient supply along with other micronutrients to enhance the efficiency and yield level. Among the treatment combinations, application of 125 per cent RDF with JS 335 gave higher gross return (` 1,71,533), net return (` 1,35,794) and higher B: C ratio (1: 3.8).EnglishNUTRITIONAL STUDIES ON VEGETABLE SOYBEAN [Glycine max (L.) Merrill], IN NORTHERN DRYZONE OF KARNATAKAThesis