K. VENKATARANGA NAIKAPUNEETH RAJA R.2023-05-112023-05-112023-03-27Th-13634https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810197250Kisan Call Centre (KCC) is an ICT initiative with the aim of answering farmers' queries through telephone call in their own dialect. KCC offer services through Toll-Free number 1800-180-1551 at free of cost. This study was carried out in Chamarajanagar District to study the impact of Kisan Call Centre advisory services on farmers during 2021-22. Totally 100 dryland and 100 irrigated farmers were considered and well-structured interview schedule was used to collection of the data. The results revealed that, while 44.00 per cent of the dryland farmers and 45.00 per cent of irrigated farmers had most favourable attitude, 48.00 per cent of the dryland farmers and less than half (43.00 %) of irrigated land farmers had high level of knowledge and same per cent (44.00 %) of dryland and irrigated land farmers were highly satisfied related with the services of KCC. Variables like education, farming experience, family size, mass media exposure, extension participation, social participation, scientific orientation, risk orientation, decision making ability and management orientation were highly significant at one per cent level of significance with attitude. Education, family size, mass media exposure, extension participation, scientific orientation and risk orientation were highly significant with knowledge and variables like education, family size, mass media exposure, extension participation, social participation, scientific orientation, risk orientation, decision making ability and management orientation were highly significant at one per cent level of significance. Major constraints expressed by farmers were difficulty to explain the symptoms of pests and diseases of plant over phone call (94.50 %) and 97.00 per cent of them suggested that, the publicity and awareness programs to be organized to augment the awareness about KCCs among farmers. In the year to comeEnglishIMPACT OF KISAN CALL CENTRE (KCC) ADVISORIES ON FARMERS IN CHAMARAJANAGAR DISTRICT OF KARNATAKA - A STUDYThesis