B.K.BhagatRakesh Ranjan2024-07-062024-07-061999https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810211526Banana is believed to be one of the oldest cultivated tropical fruit in India. It belongs to family masaceae and origined in south east Asia. India occupies second place in the world only next to Thailand with respect to annual production of banana .The production in India being 104.59 lakh tones from an area o f3.96 lakh hectare (yadav,1997). Most of the edible parthenocarpic banana varieties have originated from the two species of section Eumusa,namly,Musa accuminata and Musa balbisiana. Banana is a perennial succulent plant and is propagated through sucker. The fruits are fleshy berry developed parthenocarpically. All parts of this plant are useful. Banana is the cheapest, Plentiful and most nourishing of all fruits. Besides being a rich source of energy and mineral ,like magnesium sodium potassium phosphorus and has several medicinal properties banana is rich in vitamin A,C,B,B2. Since conventional propagation through suckers has its own limitations with respect to poor multiplication rate. In vitro mass propagation obviously has great potential for obtaining disease free true to type planting material. Keeping this in mind the present investigation was planned with the following objectives: (a) Rapid production of different species of banana clone (b) Acclimatization and hardening of in – vitro propagated plants (c) Establishment percentage of different species of Banana clone The materials for investigation included Dwarf Cavendish (AAA) , Alpan (AAA) and Batisa (ABB).Direct regeneration of cultivars Dwarf Cavendish (AAA ),Alpan (AAA) and Batisa(ABB) was achieved in Ms medium supplement with1-9 mg/1BAP,1-3mg/1 IAA and 150mg/1Adenine sulphate from shoot tips as a explants through tissue culture. Maximum number of shoots (34.0,32.3,30.3) were achieved from a single explants of Dwarf Cavendish,Alpan and Batisa respectively in 8 mg/1BAP and 3mg/1IAA in ms semi –soild medium after 10-14 weeks of culture. The rate of multiplication of shoots depended on its genomic composition to a great extent. The cultivar Batisa with ABB genomic composition to a great extent .The cultivar Batisa with ABB genome had the lowest multiplication rate as compared to Dwarf Cavendish, and Alpan which had AAA genomic composition. Maximum percentage of rooting (98.6%,96.6%95.0%) was obtained from the excised plantlets when exposed to the rooting media composed of 0.1mg/1 BAP and 0.02mg/1IAA and 0.25% w/v activated charcoal. The regenerated plantlets were acclimatized and hardened in humified polyhouse having desired relative humidity, light, temperature. A very high percentage (98%) of the hardened plantlets survived in polyhouse under shade condition. About six weeks old plantlets were planted in the field.In –vitro raised plantlet were transferred to field with high rate (90-95%)of survival was observed in all the three cultilvars of different banana (Musa spp.)EnglishMicropropagation of Different Banana SpeciesThesis