Dhingra, P. N.Singh, Bhupinder2019-02-282019-02-281995http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810097574Seroprevalence studies on Bovine Herpesvirus-1 (BHV-1) and Chlamydial infection in dairy cattle and buffaloes drawn from organised and unorganised farms were undertaken. Three hundred fifty nine serum samples from apparently healthy cattle and buffaloes and 104 from animal s wi th hi s to ry of respi ratory infe ct ion/ infe r t i l i ty/ r epe a t breeding/abortion/enteritis/diarrhoea were analysed. Indirect haemagglutinat ion test was carried out to measure the prevalence of antibodies against BHV-1. Virus antigen using standard strain of BHV-1 was prepared in MDBK cell line by following standard technique. Complement fixation test was carried out to determine the prevalence of chlamydial antibodies. Complement fixing antigen was prepared by using locally isolated strain of Chlamydia psittaci of animal origin. Isolation of Chlamydia psittaci was attempted in 7-8 days old embryonated chicken eggs from 30 samples collected from animals with history of respiratory problem or reproductive disorders. Serological study of BHV-1 antibodies in apparently healthy animals revealed that out of 359 animals screened, 184 (51.2%) were seropositive. Breed -wise distribution of BHV-1 antibodies revealed that 65.9 per cent exotic cattle, 56.4 per cent crossbred c tale, 37.5 per cent indigenous cattle and 43.7 per cent buffaloes were seropositive. Age -wise disribution of BHV-1 antibodies revealed that 25.6 per cent,42.1 per cent and 53.8 per cent animals of age group below 1, 1 to 3 and 3 to 10 years respectively were seropositive. Among s e r o p o s i t iv e animals, the antibody titres ranged from 8 to 512 and an overall geometric mean (G.M.) titre 27 was recorded. Considerably high G.M. titre 35 and 28 were observed in animals of the age -group 1 to 3 and 3 to 10 years respectively. Distribution of antibodies among animals with history of different clinical conditions suspected of BHV-1 infection revealed that irrespective of the titres, out of 104 animals screened, 69(66.3%) were seropositive. Considerably high antibody titres 8to 512 were recorded in the animals with history of repeat breeding/infertility/abortion. High titres 8 to 256 were recorded in animals with history of respiratory problem and enteritis. Seroprevalence study of chlamydial antibodies in apparently healthy animals revealed that out of 359 animals screened, 65(18.1%) were seropositive. Breed -wise distribution of chlamydial antibodies revealed that 18.2 per cent exotic cattle, 20 per cent crossbred cattle, 25 per cent indigenous cattle and 16.2 per cent buffaloes were seropositive. Age -wise distribution of antibodies revealed that 12.3 per cent, 15.8 per cent and 19.7 per cent animals of age -group below 1, 1 to 3 and 3 io 10 years respectively, were seropositive. Among scropositive animals, the antibody titres ranged from 4 to 128 and an overall G.M. titre 14 was observed. Distribution of antibodies among animals with history of different clinical conditions revealed that out of 104 animals screened, 29(26.9%) were seropositive. Titres ranging from 4 to 64 were recorded in animals with history of repeat breeding/infertility/respiratory infection/enteritis/diarrhoea. Considerably high CF titre 128 was recorded in animals with history of abortion. Single isolate of Chlamydia was obtained from respiratory tract of a crossbred cattle.en-usStudies On Bovine Herpesvirus -1 And Chlamydial Infections In Cattle And BuffaloesThesis