Sharma, G.D.Sharma, Rahul2020-01-242020-01-242019-07 sttudy was carrrriied outt iin a conttiinuiing experriimentt underr AIICRP--WM ((Allll IIndiia Coorrdiinatted Researrch Prrojjectt on Weed Managementt)) durriing 2017--18 ((rabii)) tto 2018 ((khariiff)) att tthe rresearrch ffarrm off Deparrttmentt off Agrronomy,, Forrages and Grrasslland Managementt,, CSK HP Krriishii Viishvaviidyallaya,, Pallampurr.. Ten weed conttrroll ttrreattmentts viiz..,, T1-- hoeiing,, T2-- sttalle seed bed + hoeiing,, T3-- rraiised sttalle seed bed + hoeiing,, T4-- mullch,, T5-- sttalle seed bed + mullch,, T6-- rraiised sttalle seed bed + mullch,, T7-- iintterrcrroppiing,, T8-- crrop rrottattiion,, T9-- iinttensiive crroppiing and T10-- chemiicall check.. Therre werre 22 weed speciies iin garrlliic and 19 weed speciies iin maiize.. Phallariis miinor,, Daucus carotta and Anagalllliis arvensiis werre tthe majjorr weeds consttiittuttiing 17..0,, 14..0 and 12..0 perr centt,, rrespecttiivelly off tthe ttottall weed ffllorra iin garrlliic.. Commelliina benghallensiis,, Galliinsoga parviiffllora and Agerattum sp.. werre tthe majjorr weeds consttiittuttiing 21..0,, 17..0 and 11..0 perr centt,, rrespecttiivelly off tthe ttottall weed ffllorra iin maiize.. IIn garrlliic,, llowestt popullattiion off grrasses was rrecorrded iin sttalle seed bed + mullch beiing sttattiisttiicalllly att parr wiitth rraiised sttalle seed bed + mullch and mullch.. Wherreas,, brroad--lleaved weeds‘‘ popullattiion was llowestt iin sttalle seed bed + hoeiing beiing sttattiisttiicalllly att parr wiitth rraiised sttalle seed bed + hoeiing and hoeiing.. IIn maiize,, popullattiion off grrasses and sedges was nott affffectted siigniiffiicanttlly by varriious weed conttrroll ttrreattmentts.. Wherreas,, popullattiion off sedges was miiniimum iin rraiised sttalle seed bed + hoeiing beiing sttattiisttiicalllly att parr wiitth mullch,, iinttensiive crroppiing,, sttalle seed bed + mullch and iintterrcrroppiing.. Maxiimum pllantt heiightt,, numberr off ffuncttiionall lleaves//pllantt,, numberr off pllantts,, bullb weiightt,, numberr off clloves//bullb,, bullb yiielld,, sttrraw yiielld and harrvestt iindex off garrlliic werre obttaiined iin rraiised sttalle seed bed + hoeiing.. Crrop rrottattiion had hiighestt ttottall costt off cullttiivattiion ffollllowed by rraiised sttalle seed bed + hoeiing and sttalle seed bed + hoeiing.. ‗‗IInttensiive crroppiing‘‘ gave hiighestt grross rretturrns ffollllowed by iintterrcrroppiing and rraiised sttalle seed bed + hoeiing.. IIntterrcrroppiing gave hiighestt nett rretturrns ffollllowed by iinttensiive crroppiing and rraiised sttalle seed bed + hoeiing.. IIntterrcrroppiing had hiighestt B//C rrattiio ffollllowed by iinttensiive crroppiing and rraiised sttalle seed bed + mullch.ennullStrategiies to manage weeds iin organiic crop productiion system (Maiize-Garlliic) under miid hiillll condiitiions of Hiimachall Pradesh.Thesis