K. DevadaKARTHIKA R.2023-02-242023-02-242021-12-30https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810194463Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of MASTER OF VETERINARY SCIENCE in Veterinary ParasitologyToxoplasmosis, a cosmopolitan zoonotic parasitic infection prevalent throughout the world affects all warm blooded animals and man. Although the presence of parasites do not lead to fatal events, its impact on the goat population has become a concern among the farmers. The present study was undertaken to determine the prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in recently aborted goats from the central districts of Kerala viz., Thrissur, Palakkad and Ernakulam. In the study, a total of 72 blood samples, 108 foetal tissues from 27 aborted foetuses, and 25 milk samples from recently aborted goats and from those with a history of abortion were collected during a period from November 2019 to November 2020. Impression smears were also prepared from the foetal tissues and examined. The samples collected were subjected to different methods such as microscopy, ELISA and PCR for the detection of various developmental stages of T. gondii. Milk samples and impression smears were examined by Giemsa staining microscopically for parasitic stages of Toxoplasma but none of them revealed the presence of the organism. Seventy two serum samples were subjected to ELISA for the detection of IgG antibodies of T. gondii. The overall seroprevalence was determined to be 56.94 per cent. A higher prevalence was observed in goats above four years of age and in those that were let out for grazing. It was also observed that majority of the abortions occurred in the second stage of gestation in goats that were detected as positive by ELISA. Serum samples collected from 27 goats in which a recent abortion had taken place collected from Thrissur showed antibodies in 14 samples by ELISA (51.85 per cent). Tissues such as heart, brain, liver and placenta collected from three of the aborted foetuses from the same goats were simultaneously positive for B1 gene of T. gondii in PCR, the molecular prevalence being 11.11 percent. Toxoplasma gondii DNA was also detected in the foetal tissues of one of the goats that was detected as negative by ELISA. The same samples used for T. gondii detection were used for the detection of NC-5 gene of Neospora caninum in the aborted foetal tissues and they revealed a molecular occurrence of 7.40 per cent. Analysis of the sequences obtained from positive DNA of T. gondii and N. caninum using BLAST demonstrated 100 per cent homology. District–wise prevalence revealed relatively higher prevalence in Ernakulam district (62.5 per cent) compared to Thrissur (56.09 per cent) and Palakkad (53.33 per cent), even though the difference was not significantEnglishSEROLOGICAL AND MOLECULAR DETECTION OF TOXOPLASMA GONDII ASSOCIATED WITH ABORTIONS IN GOATSThesis