MURALI, K.JAHID, AHMAD2021-09-242021-09-242018-08-01Th-12035 field experiment was conducted during Kharif seasons of 2017 at Zonal Agricultural Research Station (ZARS), in Gandhi Krishi Vigyan Kendra (GKVK), University of Agriculture Sciences (UAS), Bengaluru on red sandy clay loam soil which was medium in available NPK, to evaluate the effect of water soluble fertilizers on growth attributes of soybean crop. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications and 10 treatments. Water-soluble fertilizers (NPK: 19: 19: 19) was used at different growth stages with 1.5 %, 2 % and 2.5 % concentration. Similarly significantly higher growth parameters like plant height (69.57 cm), number of branched (6.50), number of leaves plant-1 (27.53), leaf area plant-1 (1616.7 cm2), leaf area index (5.39) and dry matter accumulation plant-1 (21.30 g) were obtained with the treatment RDF + spraying of water-soluble fertilizer at 2.5 % at flowering + pod formation stage at 60 DAS, compared to other treatments. Significantly higher yield components like numbers of pods per plant and pod weight per plant (75.70 and 28.27 g plant-1 respectively) were recorded with RDF + spraying of water-soluble fertilizer at 2.5 % at flowering + pod formation stage. Further higher grain yield (3250 kg ha-1), gross returns (Rs. 97521) net returns (Rs. 70766) and higher B:C ratio (3.64) were obtained with treatment RDF + spraying of water-soluble fertilizer at 2.5 % at flowering + pod formation stage. The control (only RDF) treatment had recorded lowest values pertaining to growth and yield parameters.EnglishEFFECT OF WATER-SOLUBLE FERTILIZER ON GROWTH AND YIELD OF SOYBEAN [Glycine max (L.) MERRILL]Thesis