THAKUR, ANJUSAYAL, NEHA2017-04-202017-04-202016 The present investigation entitled “Effect of seed invigoration treatments on germination physiology of Angelica glauca Edges. andRauvolfia serpentine (L.) Benth. Ex Kurz-endangered medicinal species” was conducted in the Plant Physiology laboratory of Basic Sciences, Dr.Y.S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, NauniSolan (H.P.) during 2013-15. The objectives of the study were to identify the superior population of both the species; to induce germination and vigour and to understand physio-biochemical patterns. The seeds of Angelica glauca and Rauvolfia serpentine were subjected to eighteen invigoration treatments out of which the maximum germination percentage (41.11%) in seeds of A. glauca was observed with GA3100 ppm for 72 hrs, which was closely followed by KNO3 500 ppm for 48 hrs (35.55%), PEG 6000 at -0.5 MPa for 12 hrs (33.33%) and thiourea 200 ppm for 30 mins (31.11%) respectively. In R. serpentine untreated seeds did not show germination whereas, the maximum germination percentage (36.67%) was observed in seeds subjected to GA3 200 ppm for 48 hrs, which was closely followed by GA3 100 ppm for 48 hrs (28.89%), KNO3 1% for 48 hrs (23.33%) and chilling at 5oC for 4 weeks as well as thiourea 0.5% for 48 hrs (22.22%). Higher germination in above treatments was coupled with early onset of germination, shortest mean germination time, higher seedling vigour indices and higher enzyme activities. The patterns of changes in physio-biochemical parameters viz. alpha-amylase, protease and dehydrogenase, soluble sugars and phenol content was found to be closely related with germination and vigour, reflecting the underlying physio-biochemical changes in seeds subjected to invigoration treatments. Henceforth, it is concluded that above seed treatments can pave the way for improving germination and vigour of A. glauca and R. serpentine which otherwise show very low and erratic germination.ennullEFFECT OF SEED INVIGORATION TREATMENTS ON GERMINATION PHYSIOLOGY OF Angelica glauca Edgew. AND Rauvolfia serpentina (L.) Benth. ex Kurz – ENDANGERED MEDICINAL SPECIESThesis