Chandra, ArchanaBHAT, RAJINDER KUMARId. No. 11PHDM2022017-12-082017-12-082017 industry is confronted with some challenges induced by changing customers’ requirements and by a competitive environment. In this context, front-line employees are a very important determinant of organizational performance. Researchers suggested that organizational performance can be achieved through employee organizational commitment (OC) which was mostly development by job satisfaction. This is the reason why this paper aims to explore employees’ level of job satisfaction and OC components from hotel chains, considering a variety of independent variables. For this purpose 20 famous hotels were selected from Noida (New Okhla Industrial development Authority) city. From each selected hotel 20 employees participated in the study. Care was taken that the respondents were from each level of position, namely first line staff (staff and shift leader) and managers (first line mangers, middle managers and top managers). Analysis of the different parameters of the research concluded that front line employees were less satisfied with their job and from the correlation between job satisfaction and organizational commitment it also concluded that the employees were more committed towards their organization whose were more satisfied. Results were also concluded that young employees and non permanent employees are less satisfied their job and also less committed while elderly and experienced employees were represents high job satisfaction and highly committed towards their organization. Job satisfaction and organizational commitment was much affected by the Leadership style of an organization. Democratic style gave most satisfied and committed employee while autocratic style gave less satisfied and less committed employees. So it concluded that from all analysis that the hotels of NOIDA, which have democratic style leadership, high salary, high job rotation and good promotion for their employees, the employees were more satisfied towards their job and committed for the organization and due to this the revenue of the organization would be more than others.ennullJob Satisfaction & Organizational Commitment in the Hospitality IndustryThesis