Sethi, S.K.Ashish2017-10-122017-10-122017 present investigation entitled “Phenotypic and molecular characterization for biofortification in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em. Thell)” was conducted during rabi 2015-16 to evaluate 57 bread wheat genotypes in order to determine variability, heritability, genetic advance and association of morphlogical, biochemical and yield traits in wheat alongwith genetic diversity at molecular level. The experimental material was grown in Randomized Block Design (RBD) with three replications at Research Farm of Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, CCSHAU, Hisar. All the genotypes showed enough genetic differences for twenty two traits, which comprised of 11 morphological and 11 quality parameters viz., characters days to 50% heading, days to maturity, plant height (cm), number of effective tillers/metre, ear length (cm), number of spikelets/ear, number of grains/ear, grain yield/ plot (g), 1000- grain weight (g), biological yield/ plot (g), harvest index (%), Fe content (ppm), Zn content (ppm), cu content (ppm), Mn content (ppm), β-carotene content (ppm), crude protein (%), gluten content (%), hectoliter weight (kg/hl), grain appearance score, grain hardness (kg per grain) and sedimentation value (ml). Quality traits showed higher heritability (broad sense) than morphological traits; later may be influenced by environment. High heritability (91.02%) with moderate genetic advance (20.70%) was recorded for sedimentation value (ml) while moderate heritability (83.96%), (87.52%) with high genetic advance (38.16%), (30.96%) was obtained for characters Cu content (ppm) and Mn content (ppm) respectively. This revealed the presence of additive gene effects indicating effectiveness of selection for these traits in wheat improvement. Strong and positive significant correlation was found among Fe (ppm), Zn (ppm) and protein (%), and non significant correlation was found among yield component traits and grain micronutrient concentration. Genetic diversity was studied at molecular level by using 49 SSRs known to be linked with micronutrient and protein concentration genes. Out of 49 SSR markers, 17 were found polymorphic, twenty six were found monomorphic while 6 were not amplified. Number of alleles ranged from 1-4 with an average of 2.48. PIC values of various SSR loci ranged from 0.20 (Barc 108) to 0.76 (Barc 124) with an average of 0.48. NTSYS-UPGMA led to the grouping of 57 genotypes into two different clusters. Similarity coefficient showed that most distantly related genotypes were C 306 and HPYT 426 with low similarity value of 0.58. and most closely related genotypes were SLPWB 10 and VG 2014-10 with high similarity value of 0.93. The study may further be exploited for MAS to breed, identify and introgression of high Fe and Zn genotypes into the background of high yielding cultivars.ennullPhenotypic and molecular characterization for biofortification in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em. Thell)Thesis