Dr. K. S. MURTHYDHRANGU SAMAT P.2019-03-182019-03-182013-03http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810098795An experiment was conducted to evaluate nutritive value of maize grain processing waste on six castrated Gir animals (Age 24-26 months and Body weight 184.33+8.14 kg) at Cattle Breeding Farm, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh. In first phase, experimental animals were offered maize grain processing waste and mature pasture grass hay and the digestibilities of the ration were recorded. In second phase, experimental animals were fed on mature pasture grass hay only and the digestibilities of nutrients were recorded for sole feeding of mature pasture grass hay. Nutritive value of maize grain processing waste was calculated by difference method. Digestion coefficients (%) of maize grain processing waste were: 78.40+2.64 DM; 81 15+0 73 OM; 76.78±1.35 CP; 56.03+0.67 OF; 80.58+1 70 EE; 86.80±0.96 NFE; 72.42±0.93 nDF and 61.52+1.42 ADF, respectively. Nutritive value of maize grain processing waste in terms of DCP and TDN contents were 5.51 and 72.71% respectively. Mature pasture grass hay had 0.07% DCP and 63.3% TDN respectively. On plane of nutrition of experimental animals on mixed feeding, they had lower DCP and higher TDN intakes in comparison to ICAR (1998) feeding recommendations. Lower intake of DCP on maize grain processing waste was due to lower voluntary dry matter intake (59.51% of the offered quantity). Overall results indicated that maize grain processing waste is an energy feed resource and can be used for feeding along with dry fodder for formulating maintenance rations.enAnimal NutritionNUTRITIVE VALUE OF MAIZE GRAIN PROCESSING WASTE IN GIR ANIMALS 1707Thesis