Neena, Joshi.DEEPA, S. PATIL.2017-06-292017-06-292009-07-15Th-9502 food formulation for diabetic and hypercholestrolemic subjects was developed. Combination of wheat, ragi, bajra, soy bean, flaxseed powder, clusterbean powder, drumstick leaves powder and amrutballi stem powder was used. Products developed were chapati, roti, dumpling and upma. All products were found acceptable by the semi-trained panel of judges (n=20). Composite mixes were subjected to chemical analysis namely macronutrient, micronutrient, antinutrients and antioxidant activity using standard protocols. A feeding trial using chapati to study the hypocholestrolemic and hypoglycemic effect was conducted. Ten subjects suffering from diabetes and hypercholestrolemia were recruited from University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK campus for the study. Feeding trial was for one month duration. Macronutrients analysed were moisture, protein, fat, crude fiber, carbohydrate and energy. The values ranged from 5.76-6.86, 15.34-17.96, 4.33-6.33, 2.84-3.44, 64.39-66.29g and 373.23-384.19 kcal/100g respectively. Micronutrients and antinutrients analysed were calcium, phosporous, iron and zinc, tannins and phytates; the values ranged from 211.33-355.08, 275.10-368.16, 7.3-7.96, 2.46-3.52, 401-589.16, 192.75-235.26 mg/100g respectively. Significant differences were observed among the mixes. Antioxidant acivity of the formulated composite mixes ranged from 40.91-57.66%. Composite mixes were stored for three months and evaluated for microbial study. Counts for bacteria and fungi were within safe limits. The mean fasting blood glucose and mean post prandial blood glucose levels of the selected subjects showed a significant reduction at the end of the intervention period (p<0.05, initial 164.6±33.6 and final 149.0±34.2 mg/dl, P<0.01, initial 250.2±52.3 – final 182.3±36.6 mg/dl). The mean total cholesterol, triglyceride and mean low density lipoprotein levels in the beginning and end of the study period were 204.0±31.2 and 190.0±23.7 mg/dl, 233.7±124.5 and 219.0±108.5 mg/dl 119.0±33.8 and 101.0±33.1 mg/dl respectively. Thus, it may be concluded that acceptable functional food formulations can be developed with low cost and locally available ingredients which have glyco-lipemic lowering effect without compromising the nutritional composition.ennullDEVELOPMENT OF FUNCTIONAL FOOD FORMULATION FOR DIABETIC AND HYPERCHOLESTROLEMIC SUBJECTSThesis