Bijalwan, Arvind(Dr.)Goswami, SurajButola, B.S.(Dr.) (Co-Advisor)2023-02-132023-02-132020 ForestryThe present study was conducted at four villages each of lower elevation (1300-1500 m) and upper elevation (1500-1700 m) in two blocks (Chamba and Jakhanidhar) of Tehri Garhwal district of Uttarakhand during November 2019 to May 2020. The study was carried out to study the diversity, production potential, economics of Malta (Citrus sinensis) based traditional homegarden and marketing of Malta fruit. A total of 47 species documented including 27 agriculture crops, 15 fruit crops and 5 multipurpose tree species. The Citrus sinensis (density: 106-313 trees/ha; IVI: 128-216) was found to be the most dominating among all tree species and important species of these homegardens. The Shannon Weiner index value was highest (1.88) in lower elevation and lowest (0.81) in upper elevation. The Simpson index of diversity was found highest (0.76) in lower elevation (Petaw Village) and lowest (0.41) in upper elevation (Dargi Village). Margalef’s index of richness was highest (6.16) in lower elevation (Petaw Village) and lowest (2.44) in upper elevation (Dargi Village). The highest productivity among vegetable crops was recorded for Solanum tuberosum in both the elevations. The highest productivity of Citrus sinensis was recorded at Dargi village (19.844 t/ha) of upper elevation. The highest gross return (297660 ₹/ha) and net return (212155 ₹/ha) of Citrus sinensis fruit was recorded at Dargi. The least gross return (77592 ₹/ha) and net return (9864.25 ₹/ha) of Citrus sinensis fruit was recorded at Jagdhar village. The highest BC ratio for Citrus sinensis fruit was recorded at Budogi (3.86) and least BC ratio for Citrus sinensis fruit was recorded at Jagdhar village (1.27). Three marketing channels of Citrus sinensis fruit were recognized in the investigation region; Channel 1: [Producer – Local shopkeeper – Consumer], Channel 2: [Producer – Consumer] and Channel 3: [Producer – Contractor – Local shopkeeper – Consumer]. Only 35.88% people adopted these three marketing channels. The potential and benefit of Citrus sinensis is diverse and it is cultivated in a scientific manner along with proper management and transportation facilities can be a boom to a group of cultivators and this can save pecuniary losses and their occupation. These all measures can uplift the Citrus sinensis cultivator community.EnglishFLORISTIC DIVERSITY, PRODUCTIVITY AND ECONOMICS OF MALTA [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck] BASED TRADITIONAL HOMEGARDEN: A STUDY OF TEHRI GARHWAL, UTTARAKHANDThesis