SHARMA, RAVINDERSINGH, NAVNEET2017-08-162017-08-162017 Present study “Comparative Economics of Vegetable Cultivation under Open and Protected Conditions in Solan District of Himachal Pradesh” was carried out in Kandaghat and Solan blocks by taking representative sample of 100 farmers having 50 farmers each under open and protected conditions. Results revealed that education level and Extension contacts of the polyhouse growers were higher as compared to the open field growers. Nearly 87.39 per cent of family members were literate at overall level and literacy index was 2.70, indicating average level of quality of education. Cropping intensity was found 178.22 per cent, which indicates that there is a scope to increase the farm efficiency. Per farm average investment on farm buildings was highest (71.05 %) followed by major (27.64 %) and minor implements (1.31 %) at overall level. It is interesting to note that on an average, gross returns from vegetable cultivation contributed about 56.91 per cent towards the total farm gross income of sampled vegetable growers. The proportion of polyhouse construction cost varied between Rs. 314377 to Rs. 575633.50 among 250 m2 and 500 m2 of polyhouse size to initial investment. In vegetable crops, maximum area was under tomato (0.27 ha.) followed by capsicum (0.20 ha.), beans (0.09 ha.) and ginger (0.03 ha.) in Kharif and in Rabi season, maximum area was under pea (0.30 ha.) followed by cauliflower (0.11 ha.), garlic (0.08 ha.), onion (0.06 ha.) and potato (0.02 ha.). The cost of production of tomato under open conditions varied between Rs. 124380.81 to Rs. 140662.03 per hectare among different farm categories with Rs. 133599.43 per hectare at overall level. The cost of production of capsicum under open conditions was Rs. 113878.48 per hectare at overall basis, varied between Rs. 118695.63 to Rs. 128959.10 per hectare among different farm categories. The cost of production of tomato under protected conditions was Rs. 23379.64, Rs. 41248.29 and cost of production of capsicum under protected conditions was Rs. 23570.64 and Rs. 40393.32 in 250 m2 and 500 m2 polyhouse respectively. Comparative economics analysis revealed that the cost of cultivation of selected vegetables viz; tomato and capsicum under polyhouses were higher as compared to open field conditions by Rs. 20077.02/250 m2, Rs. 34649.65/500 m2 and Rs. 20755.63/250 m2, Rs. 34769.90/500 m2 respectively. The net retunes from tomato and capsicum under protected conditions, were higher as compared to open field conditions Rs.1725.64 /250 m2, Rs. 12907.68/500 m2 and Rs. 246.94 /250 m2, Rs. 15792.38/500 m2 respectively. The results of the study revealed that the vegetable cultivation under polyhouses have contributed to the yield significantly. Higher wages rates (42.27 %), incidence of diseases (42.27 %), non-availability of labour at peak operation time (41.05 %), lack of technical knowledge (34.82 %) and limited supply of FYM (24.14 %) were among the major hurdles faced by the vegetable growers.ennullCOMPARATIVE ECONOMICS OF VEGETABLE CULTIVATION UNDER OPEN AND PROTECTED CONDITIONS IN SOLAN DISTRICT OF HIMACHAL PRADESHThesis