Prema, ARajasree, PKAU2019-12-262019-12-262016 of any horticultural production programme mainly depends on the quality of seeds and planting materials used for the production. Unavailability of adequate quantity of quality seeds and planting materials is one of the most important problems affecting the development of the horticulture sector. Even though plant nursery industry is considered as a sunrise industry in our country, only less attention is given in monitoring its activities, quality control and also in evaluating its role in the economy. The present study attempted to understand the supply chain management, income and employment potential and constraints of horticultural nursery business in the study area. Thrissur district, which is considered as the hub of nursery business in Kerala, was purposively selected as the location of study. 40 nurseries were selected by simple random sampling method. The sample nurseries were classified on the basis of their operational area as C-1 (<0.5 acre), C-2 (0.5 acre- 2 acre) and C-3 (>2 acre). Accordingly, 52.5 per cent of the nurseries in the study area come under the category C-2, followed by C-1(25%) and C-3(22.5%). Pre-tested interview schedules were used to collect information from sample nurseries. Secondary data were collected from Krishi Bhavan, Principal Agricultural Office and various published sources. The nursery registration status in the study area showed that only 27.5 per cent of the sample nurseries were registered nurseries. All the nurseries under the category C-1, 66.66 per cent of the nurseries under C-2 and 55.55 per cent of the nurseries under C-3 were not registered.ennullAnalysis of supply chain management of horticultural nurseriesThesis