DEORE, Prof. B.PDESAI, Dr. B.BKaulgud, Prof.S.NMunjal, Dr.S.VSuryawanshi, Dilip Ramchandra2017-02-132017-02-131995-04-04 present investigation entitled, "Studies on Biochemical Constituents in the Fruits of Five Ber (Zizvphus mauritiana Lamk.) Cultivars at Harvest and Prolonging theShelf-life of Umran Fruits", was conducted in the Department of Biochemistry during December, 1993 and January, 1994. Itwas desired to examine the compositional variation (measured on a fresh weight basis) in mature green fruits of five ber cultivars, i.e., Umran, Kadaka, Illaichi, Mehrun and Chhuhara,commonly grown in Maharahstra, in order to determine theirrelative worth in terms of eating quality and food value. The cultivar Umran with a high yield potential, and excellent fruits for table purpose and processing, it was felt necessary to undertake studies at room temperature on extending the sheIf-life of Umran fruits harvested at mature green stage. XIVAbstract contd.... Suryawanshi D.R. Some biochemical parameters of mature green fruits of five ber cultivars revealed that moisture content was the highest (81. *) in Umran and Chhuhara and the lowest (74*) inIllaichi. The T.S.S. as degree brix was the highest (19.5*) in Mehrun. The acidity was the highest (0.42%) in Illaichi andthe lowest (0.30*) in Kadaka. The highest reducing and totalsugars (7.86 and 13.50 *, respectively) were found in Mehrun and the lowest (2.73 and 6.25 *, respectively) in Umran. The ascorbic acid content was the highest (58.63 mg/100 g of fruitpulp) in Umran, while the lowest (24.90 mg/100 g of fruit pulp) was in Mehrun. The lowest (0.30*) tannins were observedin Umran, whereas the highest (0.49 *) was in Kadaka. The fruits of Umran were dipped in the solutions of TAL Pro-long at 1.0 per cent, ascorbic acid (100 ppm), kinetin (10 ppm), purafil, (1 g/polythene bag with 500 g fruits) and topsin (0.01 per cent) and stored in perforated polythene bags at room temperature. The results revealed the appearance of colour development from green to yellow to brown and increase in T.S.S., reducing and total sugars contents with corresponding decrease in acidity, ascorbic acid and tannin upon storage upto 8 days at room temperature. However, the rate of changes in colour and other biochemical constituents was faster in control than in chemically treated fruits. Among XV Abstract contd.... Suryawanshi D.R.the treatments, the rate of changes in colour and biochemical constituents was slower in the fruits treated with TAL Prolong,followed by kinetin, ascorbic acid and purafil.nWuTTt £*ttv> The studies revealed that the / fruits-' could be stored at the ambient conditions of Rahuri for upto 8 days when they are treated with TAL Pro-long at 1.0 per cent concentration and packed in perforated polythene bags. The treatment of fruits with TAL Pro-long extended the shelf-life of Umran bers by 3 more days, thus improving their marketability.ensowing, intercropping, wheats, tillage equipment, seed drilling, crops, mustard, fertilizers, land resources, chickpeasSTUDIES ON BIOCHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS IN THE FRUITS OF FIVE BER (Zizyphus mauritiana Lamk.) CULTIVARS AT HARVEST AND PROLONGING THE SHELF-LIFE OF UMRAN FRUITSThesis