S. SulficarM.REVATHI2020-09-072020-09-072018https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810150935Coliforms are the major etiological agents of bovine mastitis which is an economically devastating disease causing substantial loss to the dairy farmers through reduction in the milk production. The present study was conducted to detect the virulence genes of E. coli by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), to study the therapeutic efficacy of various antibiotics in E. coli mastitis and to identify the risk factors associated with coliform mastitis. Epidemiological investigations revealed that affected cows were in younger age and early stage of lactation having average milk yield. Absence of hygienic practices for clean milk production such as teat dipping resulted in poor udder hygiene which led to the occurrence of coliform mastitis. The affected animals had elevated temperature with varying degree of udder oedema and pale yellow coloured milk. In the present study, out of 168 animals affected with clinical mastitis, 123 bacterial isolates could be isolated of which 26 constituted coliforms such as Escherichia coli (14), Klebsiella spp. (10), Enterobacter spp. (1) and Citrobacter spp. (1) with the prevalence of 21.13 per cent and the remaining were Gram positive isolates. In vitro antibacterial sensitivity test of coliform isolates revealed that ceftizoxime was the most sensitive drug. Treatment of affected cases was done with sensitive antibiotics according to the antibiogram, fluid therapy, flunixin meglumine and trisodium citrate were administered based on the resolution of clinical signs. After treatment, clinical recovery with increase in milk yield was noticed in all the cases but for the resolution of udder oedema. Haematological analysis prior and after treatment revealed significant increase in total blood count and reduction in leukocyte counts. Polymerase chain reaction was performed to identify the virulence genes of E.coli viz., traT, stx 1, stx 2, eaeA and aerobactin (iucD) which revealed that among 14 isolates, two were positive for traT gene, two were positive for aerobactin gene and one was positive for stx 2 gene. Thus, the present study revealed the presence of virulence genes among E.coli isolates causing bovine mastitis.enVIRULENCE GENE PROFILING OF Escherichia coli FROM BOVINE MASTITIS AND THERAPEUTIC MANAGEMENT OF COLIFORM MASTITISThesis