Manohar, B. MuraliKorandi, A. VijayalingaVairamuthu, S.Jayathangaraj, M.G.Senthilkumar, K.TANUVAS2019-12-162019-12-162006-06 has been recorded by several workers in different wild mammals (Rai and Chandrasekaran, 1958; Sreenivas Gowda et aI., 1983; Jennifer Vincent, 1999). This disease was also found to spread from human beings to domestic animals (Chandrasekaran and Ramakrlshnan, 1969). Similarly spread of tuberculosis from man and domestic animals to the captive wild animals has also been recorded (Sreenivas Gowda el aI., loc. cit) The occurence of tuberculosis in a bear is recorded in this paper.en-USVeterinary ScienceVeterinary PathologyTUBERCULOSIS IN A BEARIndian Veterinary JournalArticle