Dr. C. A. BabariyaChauhan Kinnary Premjibhai2021-07-032021-07-032019-07https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810170054An experiment was carried out at the Sagdividi Farm, Department of Seed Science and Technology, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh, to characterize thirty wheat genotypes based on morphological characters (plant, seed and seedling) and chemical tests. Thirty wheat genotypes were grouped into different groups based on 24 plant morphological characters, 7 seed morphological characters, 4 seedling characters and 4 chemical tests. The genotypes were grouped based on the plant growth habit into two groups viz., erect (19 genotypes) and semi-erect (11 genotypes) types. While, based on the plant foliage colour, the genotypes were grouped into dark green (18 genotypes) and green (12 genotypes) coloured. Based on the variation in plant height excluding awns, the genotypes were grouped as very short (10 genotypes), short (17 genotypes) and medium (3 genotypes). Based on the plant waxiness, the genotypes did not differentiated. In all the 30 genotypes, plant waxiness was present. Based on the plant flag leaf attitude, the genotypes were grouped into erect (4 genotypes), semi-erect (11 genotypes) and recurved (15 genotypes) types. Flag leaf anthocyanin colouration of auricles was present in 1 genotype and absent in 29 genotypes. Based on flag leaf hairs on auricle, the genotypes were grouped as presence (10 genotypes) and absence (20 genotypes) types. Based on the flag leaf length, the genotypes were grouped into three groups as short (3 genotypes), medium (21 genotypes) and long (6 genotypes) types. Based on the flag leaf width, the genotypes were grouped as narrow (12 genotypes) and medium (18 genotypes) types. Based on the flag leaf waxiness of sheath, genotypes were categorized into three groups viz., strong (15 genotypes), medium (13 genotypes) and weak (2 genotypes). Based on the flag leaf waxiness of blade, the genotypes were grouped into strong (4 genotypes), medium (9 genotypes), weak (9 genotypes) and very weak (8 genotypes). Based on the days to ear emergence, the genotypes were grouped into very early (2 genotypes), early (18 genotypes) and medium (10 genotypes). Ear length varied among the genotypes and was grouped into short (18 genotypes) and medium (12 genotypes). Based on ear waxiness, genotypes were grouped as strong (8 genotypes), medium (12 genotypes), weak (8 genotypes) and very weak (2 genotypes) types. Based on the ear colour, genotypes were grouped as dull white (17 genotypes), light brown (11 genotypes) and dark brown (2 genotypes) types. Based on the ear shape in profile, the genotypes were grouped into tapering (20 genotypes) and parallel (10 genotypes) types. The genotypes were categorized based on the ear density into dense (15 genotypes), medium (11 genotypes) and lax (4 genotypes) types. All the 30 genotypes possessed awns. The genotypes were grouped based on the awn colour into three groups namely dull white (17 genotypes), light brown (11 genotypes) and dark brown (2 genotypes) colour types. Based on the awns attitude, genotypes were grouped into medium (23 genotypes) and spreading (7 genotypes). Based on awn length, the genotypes were categorized into short (14 genotypes), medium (14 genotypes) and long (2 genotypes). The genotypes were classified on the basis of peduncle waxiness into three groups viz., strong (15 genotypes), medium (12 genotypes) and weak (3 genotypes) waxiness types. Based on the peduncle attitude, the genotypes were grouped into straight (19 genotypes), bent (8 genotypes) and crooked (3 genotypes) attitude types. Based on the variation in peduncle length, genotypes were categorized as short (17 genotypes) and medium (13 genotypes). Based on the seed colour, all the 30 genotypes were having amber colour seed. On the basis of seed shape, genotypes were classified into ovate (12 genotypes), oblong (14 genotypes), elliptical (2 genotypes) and round (2 genotypes). On the basis of seed size, genotypes were grouped into medium seed size (5 genotypes), bold seed size (17 genotypes) and very bold seed size (8 genotypes). On the basis of seed hardness, genotypes were grouped into hard (20 genotypes) and semi-hard (10 genotypes). Based on the seed germ width, genotypes were grouped into medium (20 genotypes), wide (6 genotypes) and narrow (4 genotypes) seed germ width types. The genotypes were grouped based on the seed crease into three groups, as medium (14 genotypes), shallow (13 genotypes) and deep (3 genotypes) seed crease types. Based on the brush hair length, genotypes were grouped as short (18 genotypes), medium (9 genotypes) and long (3 genotypes) brush hair length types. Coleoptile anthocyanin colouration was absent in all the tested genotypes. Seedling length varied significantly among the thirty genotypes. Based on the seedling vigour index, genotypes were grouped into low group types. The seeds were subjected to phenol, peroxidase, NaOH and KOH test for differentiating the genotypes. Based on the seed colouration with phenol, genotypes were grouped into dark brown (12 genotypes), light brown (11 genotypes) and brown (7 genotypes) in colour. Based on the colour of the solution due to peroxidase activity, genotypes were grouped into four categories viz., brown (15 genotypes), light brown (9 genotypes), no change (4 genotypes) and dark brown (2 genotypes) coloured types. The KOH and NaOH test did not differentiate any wheat genotypes studied. The assessment of genetic purity is an important criterion in seed production programme. Therefore, simple and reliable techniques need to be developed for genetic purity assessment and genotype characterization. The identified morphological characteristics of wheat genotypes could be utilized in DUS testing, seed production programme and genetic purity testing. The results of chemical tests are useful in identifying and grouping of wheat genotypes and also in genetic purity testing. COLLEGEEnglishCHARACTERIZATION OF BREAD WHEAT (Triticum aestivum L.) GENOTYPES THROUGH PLANT MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERS AND BIOCHEMICAL TESTS 2858Thesis