GNANA PRAKASH, M(MAJOR)SAKARAM, DNARASIMHA REDDY, YBHARATI, ALOK2018-11-122018-11-122010-07 A cytogcnctic study was conducted on 38 Ongole cattle maintained at Livestock Research Station, Lam. Ciuntur and nearby villages by utilizing shortterm lymphocyte culture technique. The normal diploid chromoso~nen umber was 60 which consisted of 29 pairs of acrocentric autosomes and one pair of sex chromosomes. The X-chromoson~e was sub-mctnccntric and Y clirolnosome \vils acrocentric. The ~norphometric measurements of clir.o~nosorncs obtained li.0111 farm bred aninials and those from ficld animals clid not diffr signific:lntly. l'he relative lengths (RL) of chrornoso~ncs I, 5, 6, 15, 16, 17, 15, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 and X clwomosome were significantly different anlong the sexes. The RL of autosolnes ranged from 1.92 + 0.01 to 5.24 * 0.02 per cent. The Xchromosome was the longest while Y-chi-ornosome was the shortest and contributed 5.42 + 0.03 and 1.79 + 0.02 per cent to the genome. The decline in the RL of the chromosomes was sha1-p lio~lI ~to 3 and was gradual thercaficr. The arm ratio, ccnt~x~meriicn dex and moi.phological intlcv fbr thc X-chromosome were 1.87 + 0.015, 0.35 * 0.002 ant1 5.75 + 0.075, respectively.ennullCYTOGENETIC STUDIES ON ONGOLE BREED OF CATTLEThesis