ESHWARAPPA, HNAVEENKUMAR, D B2017-01-132017-01-1340865TH-9980 world agric odder” due used for m acids, etc. n one ano onsisting nvolves dr helling me different po erms of so also to im heller was maize shel made up of beaters wh obs. Whil ength of 6 heller had f 98.51, ylinder sp moisture co heller was July 2011 Departmen UAS, GKVK cation an e (Zea ma cultural ec e to its gre manufactur The tradit other, rub of wire m rudgery. T ethods use ower oper ocio-econo mprove its s develope ller consis f I.S steel hich rotate e the con 60 cm with d the shell 66.62, 1. peed of 350 ontent wa s 1:1.15. nt of Agricu K, Bangalo nd Evaluat NAV ays L.) is o conomy. It eat import ring indus tional she bbing on b mesh insi The study ed for mai rated maiz omic condi efficiency d and its sted of a c of size dia es along th ncave is fa h slotted o ling efficie 60 per c 0 rpm. Th s . 0.08, ultural En ore-65 tion of Po VEENKUMA ABSTRAC ne of the m is called a tance in hu strial prod elling meth bricks or s ide. These y was und ize by the ze sheller itions that y. To addr performan cylinder a ameter 6.5 he cylinde abricated opening si ency, total ent and e cost of s only and ngineering, ower Oper AR D.B CT most impo as “Queen uman and ducts like hods are r stone and e method dertaken small and were eval t are preva ress this, nce was ev and a con 5 cm and l er and sep using 6 m ize of 7.0c l recovery, 402.01 kg shelling 1k cost benef , rated Maiz ortant cere of cereals d animal d starch, sy rubbing th d by using s are tim to survey d margina luated for ailing in K power op valuated. T ncave. The length of parates gr mm size M cm×1cm. T breakage g/h, resp kg of maiz fit ratio of H. Es Majo ze Sheller eal crop in s” and “Kin diet. It is b yrup, alco he maize c g iron cylin me consum y the diffe al farmers r suitabilit Karnataka perated m The develo e cylinder 15 cm, ha rains from M.S. rods The develo e and capa pectively, a e cobs at the develo hwarappa or Advisor r n the ng of being ohol, cobs nder ming erent and ty in and maize oped was aving m the and oped acityenMODIFICATION AND EVALUATION OF POWER OPERATED MAIZE (Zea mays L.) SHELLERThesis