Sharma, AnitaAshish Kumar2019-01-072019-01-072018-06 degrading fungal isolates were recovered from the industrial waste of a refrigeration industry, Silvassa, Dadar Nagar Haveli. The fungal isolates were enriched to grow in Czepak-Dox medium in the presence of chlorpyrifos (10ppm). Two fungal isolates (C1 and C3) were selected for the study on the basis of their ability to degrade and utilize chlorpyrifos as a source of Carbon and phosphorus. Both the isolates were able to tolerate 600ppm of chlorpyrifos. Fungal isolates were characterized on the basis of morphological, biochemical and molecular tests. Isolate C1 was characterized as Byssochlamys spectabilis with 86% homology and C3 showed 89% homology with Aspergillus fumigates. Chlorpyrifos (20ppm) was degraded using the consortium C1+C3 and isolate C1, C3 in Czepak-Dox medium. After 30 days, the pattern of chlorpyrifos degradation was 98.02% > 96.7% and 93.45% by C1, C3 and their consortium respectively. Presence of laccase enzyme was reported in both the isolates and the level was 7.776 and 5.929 Um-1 in C1 and C3 respectively. Degradation of chlorpyrifos (50ppm) using immobilized enzyme of the fungal isolates in sodium alginate was 61.55% > 58.25% and 53.85% by mixture of C1+C3 and C1, C3 respectively after 5 days. Pot experiment conducted on onion using sterilized and unsterilized soil spiked with chlorpyrifos (50mg/ Kg) showed best performance in consortium treatment. Minimum residual amount of chlorpyrifos present in unsterile soil was 2.637μg per 500gm of soil. GC-MS analysis of intermediates of chlorpyrifos with fungal isolates did not show the presence of toxic metabolites after 30 days in Czepak-dox medium. Fungal isolates degraded chlorpyrifos into N,N-dimethyl-1- pentadecanamine, 9,12-Octadecadienoic acid (Z,Z)-methyl ester, Bis (2-Ethylhexyl) Phthalate, Phthalic acid, butyl hept-3-yl ester, Hexadecadienoic acid, Methyl ester, 9,12-Octadecadienoic acid (Z,Z)-methyl ester.ennullBiodegradation of chlorpyrifos using fungal isolates of industrial wasteThesis