Dr. Y. C. ZalaALLARAKHABHAI SHAKERBHAI SHAIKH2018-01-062018-01-062006http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810038887The study entitled “An Economic Analysis of Production and Marketing of Flowers in Central Gujarat” was undertaken with a view to study cost and returns, efficiency of resources, pattern and practices of marketing, price spread, const?……………………………………………………….............. ……...............................Abstract raints faced by rose, lily and marigold flower growers of Central Gujarat. The data were collected from 240 producers of flowers and from selected marketing intermediaries during 2014-15. The major analytical tools employed were tabular and production function analysis.enAgricultural EconomicsStudyCOST OF PRODUCTION AND MARKETING OF BROILER IN ANAND DISTRICT OF GUJARATThesis