Oraon, J.TIRKEY, SMRITI2017-06-172017-06-172013http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810021277STUDY ON PREVALENT DAIRY PRACTICES AMONG TRIBALS OF RANCHI DISTRICT1. From the present finding of the study, it can be concluded that age, education, social participation, extension contact, mass media exposure SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION 97 influenced the knowledge and adoption of improved dairy husbandry practices amongst tribal. 2. Tribal dairy respondents were having low knowledge and adoption level of improved dairy husbandry practices. 3. High cost of concentrate, mineral mixture, medicine and vaccine for dairy animal were main constraint perceived by the tribal dairy respondents. 4. Artificial Insemination of dairy cow and buffalo is prevalent in study area. 5. Penetration of veterinary compounder and stockman in Ranchi district was more pronounced than veterinarian of either Animal husbandry department or private institute or agencies.en-USnullSTUDY ON PREVALENT DAIRY PRACTICES AMONG TRIBALS OF RANCHI DISTRICTThesis