Vasishth, Amol (Dr.)UNIYAL, POOJAButola, B.S.(Dr.) (Co-Advisor)2023-02-062023-02-062021 ForestryThe present investigation was conducted during July to December 2019 in the nursery block of College of Forestry, Ranichauri. Celtis australis is an important agroforestry tree species of Garhwal Himalaya and its plants are generally containerized grown which results in higher cost of transportation in the hills for carrying out plantation activities. Transportation of seedlings without containers might help in reduction of transportation cost therefore, the present investigation has been taken up to study the effect of root pruning and nitrogen application on growth performance and establishment of Celtis australis seedlings. The experiment consists of three root pruning lengths i.e. 0 (control), 6 and 12 cm root pruning from collar region and four nitrogen doses i.e. 0, 50, 100 and 150 Kg/ha to study the growth performance, physiological characteristics and nutritional content and uptake of the seedlings. Root pruning and nitrogen application significantly increased morphological, physiological and nutritional parameters. The light pruned (12 cm) seedling showed better performance as compared to severely pruned (6 cm) seedlings. Application of nitrogen up to 100kg/ha increased morphological, physiological and nutritional parameters of C. australis seedlings. Root pruning at 12 cm coupled with nitrogen application at the rate of 100kg/ha showed a significant increase in survival percent, collar diameter, number of leaves, white root regeneration, biomass (fresh and dry weight basis), chlorophyll and NPK content and their uptake in seedlings. Hence root pruning at 12 cm from the collar region with 100kg N/ha application may be suitable for better establishment of Celtis australis seedlings in this region.EnglishEffect of root pruning and nitrogen application on growth performance and establishment of Celtis australis seedlings in Garhwal HimalayaThesis