HIREMATH, I. G.PATIL, RAJASHEKARH K.2019-10-182019-10-182001-08-06Th-5924http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810132070Ecofriendly methods for the effective management of Spodoptera litura in groundnut were studied during 1996 to 1998 at Main Research Station, UAS, Dharwad. The EIL computed for third instar larvae of S. iitura at flowering (30 DAS), peg formation (45 DAS) and pod development (60 DAS) stages was 1.04, 2.18 and 3.59 larvae per plant. At the corresponding stage, the egg load required to cause economic damage was 1.32, 2.90 and 8.74 egg masses per 7.5 m^ or 25 m row, respectively. Annona squamosa, NSKE (5%) and AUium sativum (5%) exhibited good ovicide. property causing around 30 per cent mortality as compared to cent per cent in rr.ethomyl in vitro. The aqueous extract of NSKE (5%), Vitex negundo and A. squamosa caused more than 52 per cent mortality in neonate larvae. Among various comcinations of plant products, NSKE + SINPV, V. negundo + SINPV, NSKE + Nomuraea rileyi and V. negundo + N. riieyi qtoved equally as recommended insecticides "n reducing damage and recording higher yield with better B:C ratios. Vitex negundo and A. mexicana in combination with monocrotophos (0.025%) and V. negundo followed by monocrotophos (0.05%) recorded equal yield compared to recommended package. The entomopathogenic fungus, N. /■/Vey/occurred in epizootic form on S. iitura in groundnut during the rainy season. Persistence of N. rileyi on groundnut foliage during kharif v/as upto ten days. In vitro studies on compatibility of entomopathogen with fungicices, insecticides and botanicals indicated that fungicides were highly detrimental followed by insecticides and plant products. Soil application of the pathogen @ 2.5 x 10 12 conidia per ha followed by foliar spray (S 1.2 x 10 11 conidia per ha follov.ed by spraying monocrotophos (0.05%) mixed with cyperconazole (0.1%) were :he most effective combined applications. All the groundnut genotypes under the study exhibited moderate to high degree or tolerance to the defoliator. Among the different histological -igher laminar thickness, cuticular thickness and low water content =d for imparting resistance. Low growth index in Dh-52, Dh-53 and :ed the antibiosis mechanism operating in imparting resistance to 'ence in yield between unprotected and protected condition in selected :S less compared to susceptible check (JL-24) indicating the toleranceennullECOFRIENDLY APPROACHES FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF Spodoptera litura (F.) IN GROUNDNUTThesis