Singh, NavinRaj Kiran2019-07-232019-07-232019-06 present investigation “Effect of different containers and wrappers on physicochemical parameters for shelf life of guava (Psidium guajava L.) cv. Sardar” was conducted in the postharvest Laboratory, Department of Horticulture, College of Agriculture, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, to find out the suitable post harvest treatment combinations on storage and to extent the shelf life of guava. The experiment was laid out in two factorial completely randomized design with 13 treatment combinations including control and 3 replications. An experiment was carried out at an ambient storage condition during winter season. The physico-chemical changes were recorded under each treatment from harvesting till 12th day of storage in winter seasons. Physical parameters viz., fruit length, breadth, volume and weight exhibited decreasing trend with advancement of storage period but different packaging methods slow down the rate of decrease in comparison with control. Lesser reduction in these parameters was found in fruits kept in CFB box after wrapping with tissue paper as compared with higher reduction in controls. Fruits kept in corrugated fiber box after wrapping with tissue paper (C1W1) was most effective in reducing weight loss and decay than other treatments. Quality parameters viz., total soluble solids, total sugars, reducing sugars and ascorbic acid of fruits were recorded higher in CFB box and tissue paper among containers and wrappers, respectively.Total soluble solids, total sugars, reducing sugars and non reducing sugars gradually increased upto 6th days and then slightly decrease with the advancement of storage duration whereas titratable acidity and ascorbic acid contents gradually decreased significantly with the advancement of storage duration. On the basis of result obtained it can be concluded that fruits were packed in CFB box after wrapping with tissue paper proved best for maintaining shelf life and quality of guava fruits.ennullEffect of different containers and wrappers on physico-chemical parameters for shelf life of guava (Psidium guajava L.) cv. SardarThesis