Rajaraman, S.Palanidorai, R.TANUVASVeerapandian, V.Srithar, A.Parthiban, M.2019-07-022019-07-022017http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810111303TNV_3016The present study was conducted to assess the chemical and microbiological quality of peda (khoa) and ice cream sourced from different areas in and around Chennai. On conducting organoleptic evaluation using 9- point hedonic scale the peda samples were described as being “neither liked nor disliked” to “like moderately". In the case of ice cream the brands were described between the attributes “liked slightly” to “like very much".en-USVeterinary SciencedASSESSMENT OF PHYSICO CHEMICAL PROPERTIES AND MICROBIOLOGICAL QUALITY OF BRANDED PEDA (khoa) AND ICE CREAMThesis