Solanki, N. S.BHARDWAJ, SURABHI2020-12-232020-12-232020Bhardwaj S. And Solanki N.S. and Productivity of Mustard Varieties under Different Weather ConditionsAn experiment entitled “Phenology and Productivity of Mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czern) Varieties Under Different Weather Conditions” was conducted during rabi 2019-20 at the Instructional Farm, Rajasthan College of Agriculture, Udaipur. The experimental field comprised of clay loam soil, slightly alkaline and calcareous in nature. The soil was medium in available nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. The experiment involved 15 treatment combinations comprising three dates of sowing (16th October, 1st November and 16th November) and five varieties (Bio-902, Giriraj, RH-0749, NRCHB-101 and NRCDR-2). The experiment was laid out in split plot design with sowing dates as main plot treatment and varieties as sub-plot treatment. It was replicated four times. The results disclosed that sowing of mustard on 16th October brought about significantly higher dry matter accumulation and yield attributing characters viz., number of branches plant-1, length of siliqua, number of siliquae plant-1, 1000-seeds weight and seed yield plant-1 as compared to 1st November and 16th November sown crop. Other parameters such as oil content (41.5 %), oil yield (667.10 kg ha-1), growing degree days, heat unit efficiency, net returns (₹ 50295 ha-1) and B:C ratio (2.42) were also found to be significantly higher under 16th October sown crop as compared to 1st November and 16th November sowing. Both GDD and IPAR decreased with successive delay in sowing. The crop sown on 16th October provided highest seed yield (1605.8 kg ha-1), stover yield (5089.0 kg ha-1), biological yield (6694.8 kg ha-1) and harvest index (24.0 %) which was significantly superior over 1st November and 16th November sown crop. Among all the varieties, NRCDR-2 proved to be the best when judged on terms of growth, yield attributes and yields. It gave significantly higher seed yield (1380.3 kg ha-1) and biological yield (6511.8 kg ha-1) by 11.6 and 12.0 per cent, respectively over * M.Sc. Scholar, Department of Agronomy, Rajasthan College of Agriculture, MPUAT, Udaipur ** Professor, Department of Agronomy, Rajasthan College of Agriculture, MPUAT, Udaipur 80 var. RH-0749. However, var. Bio-902, Giriraj and NRCHB-101 was found at par with var. NRCDR-2 in respect to seed and biological yield. Variety RH-0749 took maximum number of days and GDD to attain physiological maturity. However, var. NRCDR-2 recorded higher oil content (41.6 %), HUE and IPAR values. On the basis of economic terms, var. NRCDR-2 proved to be the most promising with highest net returns (₹ 40317) and B:C ratio (1.9). However, it was at par with var. NRCHB-101 in terms of economics.EnglishPhenology and Productivity of Mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czern) Varieties under Different Weather ConditionsThesis