Dr. Ashish RoyAISWARYA, v.2017-02-212017-02-212015http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810001961The present study was undertaken with a view to characterize Pasteurella multocida isolates of buffalo origin (including vaccine strain P52) by outer membrane protein (OMP) profiling and multilocus sequence typing (MLST). P. multocida cultures of buffalo origin (suspected/died of Haemorrhagic Septicaemia) from various regions of the state of Gujarat were stored in the Department of Veterinary Microbiology, Veterinary College, Anand. All the isolates belonged to P. multocida type B: 2 as determined by capsular typing conducted previously in the department. A set of eight isolates including vaccine strain, P52 were used for OMP profile analysis, while another set of eight isolates (including vaccine strain) were used in MLST. Samples PAB-78-1/13, PAB-83-6/13, PAB-86-9/13 and PAB-89-1/14 were common in both OMP and MLST analysis.enveterinary science, MICROBIOLOGYANALYSIS, SEQUENCE TYPINGOUTER MEMBRANE PROTEIN PROFILE ANALYSIS AND MULTILOCUS SEQUENCE TYPING OF PASTEURELLA MULTOCIDA ISOLATES OF BUFFALO ORIGIN FROM GUJARAT STATEThesis