A.K. SharmaBrajesh Verma2023-11-082023-11-082022https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810200668➢ RT, RR and HR exhibited progressive and non-significant decrease in all its intervals in all the groups except group IV where respiration rate and heart rate exhibited significant decrease as compared to base value but remained within normal physiological limits. ➢ HB, PCV, TLC and TEC showed the non significant variation after epidural administration. ➢ A significant increase in netrophils and relative decrease in lymphocytes was the typical feature in group I & III whereas animal of group II & IV exhibited non significant variation. Summary and Conclusion… ➢ A marked and significant increase in glucose was estimated in group II although the values remained within normal physiological limits ➢ Other biochemical paramters viz. ALT, AST, total protein, BUN, Serum creatinine, Alkaline phosphatase and creatine phosphokinase exhibited transient and non-significant variations. ➢ A moderate to excellent level of analgesia has been achieved in tail, anus and perineal area in all the groups. ➢ Analgesia was not sufficient in upper and lower thigh, scrotum, cranial and caudal flank as it was varied from mild to moderate level. ➢ Motor in coordination was found to be more for longer period of time in group IV followed by group III, group I and group II. ➢ None of the animal exhibited sedation. ➢ Onset of analgesia was faster in group IV followed by group III, I and II, whereas duration of analgesia was higher in group II followed by group I, III & IV. ➢ On the basis of above findings, it is concluded that levobupivacaine alone and in combination dexamethasone and tramadol exhibited moderate to excellent analgesia in the tail, anus and perineal region sufficient to perform surgery in these area. Levobupivacaine in combination with dexamethasone was found to be better combination in bovine calf in terms of least motor in-coordination, better analgesia and long duration analgesia.EnglishA COMPARATIVE EVALUATION OF ANALGESIC EFFECTS OF CAUDAL EPIDURAL LEVOBUPIVACAINE ALONE AND INCOMBINATION OF DEXAMETHASONE AND TRAMADOL IN BOVINE CALVESThesis