Dr. Mukesh R. PatelParadva Vaibhavkumar Babubhai2020-06-222020-06-222018http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810147812Agriculture is the backbone of India which has shaped, culture and economic life of Indians. Soon after independence, India faced the challenges of providing food security to millions of its people. Therefore, various rural development programmes were introduced for increasing agricultural production and improving socio-economic condition of families living in villages. Besides cereals, pulses are also a wonderful gift of nature as they nourish mankind with highly nutritive food and keep the soil alive and productive. Pulses are the main source of protein particularly for vegetables. Pulses are also rich source of minerals like calcium, phosphorous, iron etc. and certain vitamins. In which green gram is one of the important pulse crop and cultivated in the India, since ancient times. It is rich in protein as it contains about 24 per cent protein which is almost three times that of cereals, 1.2 per cent fat and 62 per cent carbohydrates. It is rich in vitamin A.en-USnullKNOWLEDGE AND ADOPTION OF RECOMMENDED GREEN GRAM PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGYThesis