Goyal, S. K.Agarwal, Subodh2024-04-302024-04-302023-04-07https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810208479The present study was conducted with the following objectives: (1) To access the present status of FPOs in Haryana, (2) To analyse the factors contributing success of FPOs in Haryana, (3) To study the socio-economic impact of FPOs on farmers, and (4) To identify the constraints faced by the FPOs and suggest measures for improvement. The study was conducted in Kaithal and Hisar district of Haryana. All the FPOs operating i.e.,16 FPOs in both the districts during the period 2017-18 (eight from each district), were selected purposively for the present study. Both primary as well as secondary data was used for the study. Primary data were collected from 10 member farmers of each FPOs and 10 non-member farmers. Thus, in total, 320 farmers, of which 160 were FPO member farmers and 160 were non-member farmers, were selected to collect the required information. Data were also collected from FPO officials, Producer Organisation Promoting Institutions (POPI), Resource Institutions and Financial Institutions. The secondary data regarding FPOs formed and farmers linked were collected for the periods 2015-16 to 2020-21. Besides, simple averages, percentages, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, compound growth rate, two-sample t-test, Chi-Square test, Wilcoxon-Mann–Whitney‟s U test, Friedman‟s test and Garrett‟s ranking technique were used to accomplish the objectives of the study. The study revealed that out of the total FPOs promoted by SFAC and NABARD, 2168 FPOs, i.e., 71.22 percent, have been supported by NABARD and the remaining 876 FPOs (28.78%) are supported by SFAC. Madhya Pradesh has the largest number/share of FPOs accounting to 10.15% of the total FPOs registered throughout the country. The FPOs promoted by SFAC increased at the compound growth rate of 15.22 percent and those promoted by NABARD increased at 1.34 percent per annum. At the country level, the average number of farmers per FPO was found to be 582. In addition, about fifty percent of total farmers who are members of FPOs belong to five states, namely Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, West Bengal, Maharashtra, and Tamil Nadu. The majority of the FPOs i.e., 75 percent, were promoted by NABARD and 12.5 percent were promoted by SFAC in the study areas. Two FPOs (12.5%) were self-promoted FPOs. The average number of members per FPO were more in SFAC promoted FPOs as compared to NABARD promoted FPOs in the study areas. Hisar district had the highest number of FPOs i.e., 53 and Faridabad district had the lowest number of FPOs i.e., 6, during 2019-20. Production and Marketing are the major operational activities of the FPO in the selected areas. The financial efficiency of one FPO was found to be very high i.e., 70.61. The study further revealed that among the technical factors, the important factor for the success was FPO helps in getting government schemes, whereas FPO enhanced bargaining power for input purchase and reducing the middle-men in the marketing channel was the most important marketing factor for success. The most important economic factor for the success was the support of various government departments and other agencies and the increase in adoption towards pre- and post-harvest production technology was the social factor contributing to success of FPOs. The study further revealed that membership in the organisation directly affected the socio-economic conditions of the people in the study areas. It was further found that the income of the members was significantly higher in comparison to the non-members. There was not much difference between the members and non-members in terms of food and habitat security. A significant difference between the members and non-members was also observed in terms of health security, educational security and social empowerment. Low awareness of farmers about FPO/FPC‟ was the most severe constraint observed by FPO officials and members of both the districts, whereas POPI perceived lack of mobilization of farmers to be the most severe constraint in the functioning of FPOs. The majority of the sample FPO officials suggested to make available more funds and subsidies through various schemes/ government support to reduce the documentation procedure in the functioning of FPOs and creation of awareness among the FPOs members. The majority of members in Hisar district suggested for support in market access and increasing market reach, whereas members in Kaithal emphasised for Exposure visits to successful FPOs.EnglishPerformance and prospects of farmer producer organisations in HaryanaThesis