Dr. M. M. LunagariaDumaniya Hiren2023-04-012023-04-012021https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810195984The present investigation entitled “Evaluation of CropSyst model for wheat under middle Gujarat agroclimatic condition” was laid out on the Research farm, Department of Agricultural Meteorology near the Agrometeorological observatory, AAU, Anand, Gujarat (India) during rabi season of the year 2020-2021. The texture of soil for the experiment field was loamy sand. The objectives were to calibrate CropSyst model for wheat, validation CropSyst for simulation of growth and performance of wheat and simulate field water balance for Anand under wheat growing system.EnglishEVALUATION OF CROPSYST MODEL FOR WHEAT UNDER MIDDLE GUJARAT AGROCLIMATIC CONDITIONThesis