MALLESHA, B. C.DAKSHAYINI, G.2020-10-032020-10-032018-12-15 using paddy straw, sugarcane trash and their combination as substrates for the cultivation of oyster and milky mushroom species was carried out. Early bud initiation was observed in paddy straw substrate (17.83 days) followed by the combination of paddy straw and sugarcane trash (23.16 days). The highest yield in oyster mushroom species Hypsizygus ulmarius (524.33 g/bag), Pleurotus eous (411.83 g/bag) and Pleurotus florida (396.00 g/bag) was observed on paddy straw substrate whereas, in milky mushroom (Calocybe indica) combination of paddy straw and sugarcane trash recorded highest yield (446.50 g/bag) and bio-efficiency (111.63 per cent). Spent mushroom substrate obtained after mushroom cultivation was analysed for nutrient content and it showed increase in the N P K content and narrow C:N ratio in the spent mushroom substrate over the initial observations. Spent mushroom substrates were enriched with plant growth promoting microorganisms (Pseudomonas fluorescens, Bacillus megaterium and Trichoderma harzianum). Trichoderma harzianum showed better survivability in mushroom spent substrate. Microbially enriched spent mushroom substrate application had positive effect on the overall growth parameters and yield of the Capsicum annum and Phaseolus vulgaris. Plant growth parameters (plant height, number of leaves, number of branches) shoot biomass, root biomass, number of flowers and yield parameters (number of fruits, fruit diameter and fruit yield) found to be maximum in the treatment Talc + Consortia inoculum followed by in the Milky SMS based consortia and oyster SMS based Consortia inoculum. In both the crops N, P and K content and uptake was significantly varied among the treatment as influenced by the application of microbially enriched spent mushroom substrate.EnglishEVALUATION OF MICROBIALLY ENRICHED SPENT MUSHROOM SUBSTRATE FOR CROP GROWTHThesis