Dr. (Ms.) SUNEETA V. PINTOPATEL ISHWARBHAI JOITABHAI2017-04-122017-04-122012http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810007195The present investigation was planned and conducted to develop a technology for the manufacture of a cereal based “ragi ice cream” and to explore the possibility of the functionality of finger millet in ice cream. The experiment was divided into four phases which involved: Selecting a suitable medium for gelatinization of ragi flour and to study the effect of incorporating ragi in different forms viz., gelatinized ragi flour (GRF), roasted gelatinized ragi flour (RRF), gelatinized ragi flour roasted in table butter (RRB) and gelatinized malted ragi flour roasted in table butter (MRB) on certain physico-chemical and sensory attributes of ice cream with a view to select the optimum level of ragi in each form (Phase I), selecting the best form of ragi in formulation of “ragi ice cream” from the different forms studied in Phase I (Phase II), selecting a compatible flavour from amongst vanilla, cocoa, mango and caramel in formulation of “ragi ice cream” (Phase III) and evaluating the effect of heat shock and storage in the formulated “ragi ice cream” and to assess the cost effectiveness of the formulated “ragi ice cream” vs. “regular ice cream” (Phase IV).endairy science, dairy technologymethodEXPLORING FINGER MILLET AS AN INGREDIENT FOR VALUE ADDITION TO ICE CREAMThesis