Dr. M. Ravindra BabuPRAVEENA LAKSHMI ALAMALAKALA2022-02-152022-02-152019-08-21https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/58101822701. To study the effect of stage specific fertigation on growth, yield and quality of European cucumber grown under naturally ventilated polyhouse. 2. To study the effect of stage specific fertigation on uptake of N, P and K in European cucumber grown under naturally ventilated polyhouse. 3. To workout the economics and benefit cost ratio of European cucumber grown under naturally ventilated polyhouse.The present investigation entitled “Studies on stage specific fertigation in European cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) under naturally ventilated polyhouse” was carried out during 2018-19 at Centre of Excellence for Protected Cultivation (CEPC), Horticultural Research Station, Dr. Y. S. R. Horticultural University, Venkataramannagudem, West Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh. The experiment was laid out in factorial randomized block design with three replications comprising twelve treatment combinations which include three factors viz., three levels of nitrogen as first factor (80 kg/ha, 120 kg/ha and 160 kg/ha), two levels of phosphorus as second factor (60 kg/ha and 90 kg/ha) and two levels of potassium as third factor (80 kg/ha and 120 kg/ha). Studies on stage specific fertigation of different levels of NPK significantly influenced plant growth, yield, quality attributes and nutrient uptake of cucumber crop. Among N levels, maximum vine length, number of leaves per plant, leaf area per plant, internodal length, leaf chlorophyll content, fresh and dry weight of plant, fruit set percentage, number of fruits per vine, days to final harvest, fruit length, fruit diameter, fruit weight, fruit mesocarp thickness, yield per plant, yield per plot, estimated yield, TSS, ascorbic acid content, fruit moisture content, soil pH, electrical conductivity, available nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, plant uptake of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, minimum days to first female flower appearance, node number at which first female flower appear, days to first harvest and titrable acidity were recorded with the stage specific application of 160 kg/ha of N. Author : PRAVEENA LAKSHMI ALAMALAKALA Title of thesis : STUDIES ON STAGE SPECIFIC FERTIGATION IN EUROPEAN CUCUMBER (Cucumis sativus L.) UNDER NATURALLY VENTILATED POLYHOUSE Degree for which it : is submitted MASTER OF SCIENCE IN HORTICULTURE Faculty : HORTICULTURE Major Field : VEGETABLE SCIENCE Major Advisor : Dr. M. RAVINDRA BABU University : Dr. Y. S. R. HORTICULTURAL UNIVERSITY Year of submission : 2019 Among P levels, maximum vine length, number of leaves per plant, leaf area per plant, internodal length, leaf chlorophyll content, fresh and dry weight of plant, fruit set percentage, number of fruits per vine, days to final harvest, fruit length, fruit weight, yield per plant, yield per plot, estimated yield, ascorbic acid content, fruit moisture content, available nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, plant uptake of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, minimum days to first female flower appearance, days to first harvest and titrable acidity were recorded with application of 90 kg/ha of P . Among K levels, maximum vine length, number of leaves per plant, leaf area per plant, internodal length, leaf chlorophyll content, fresh and dry weight of plant, fruit set percentage, number of fruits per vine, days to final harvest, fruit length, fruit weight, yield per plant, yield per plot, estimated yield, ascorbic acid content, fruit moisture content, electrical conductivity, available nitrogen, phosphorus, plant uptake of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, minimum days to first female flower appearance, node number at which first female flower appear, days to first harvest and titrable acidity were recorded with application of 120 kg/ha of K. The application of 160 kg/ha of N, 60 kg/ha of P and 120 kg/ha of K resulted in significant increase of vine length, number of leaves per plant, leaf area per plant, internodal length, leaf chlorophyll content, fresh and dry weight of plant, fruit set percentage, number of fruits per vine, days to final harvest, fruit length, fruit weight, yield per plant, yield per plot, estimated yield, fruit moisture content, plant uptake of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and benefit cost ratio. Minimum days to first female flower appearance, minimum days to first harvest and minimum titrable acidity were also recorded in the same treatment combination.EnglishSTUDIES ON STAGE SPECIFIC FERTIGATION IN EUROPEAN CUCUMBER (Cucumis sativus L.) UNDER NATURALLY VENTILATED POLYHOUSEThesis