Hemant SwamiVIKRAM2024-07-242024-07-242024Vikram and Swami H.https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810212443The present study entitled as “Diversity of Lac lnsect, Kerria lacca (Kerr) Genetic Resources in Arid Western Plains of India” was carried out in the Department of Entomology, Rajasthan College of Agriculture, MPUAT, Udaipur, during 2021 & 2022 with a view to record the lac insect and its host plants, fauna associated with lac insect in the western plains of India; molecular diversity of Rangeeni lac insect during Baisakhi season and to evaluate the productivity linked parameters of lac insect during Baisakhi season crop. Surveys were carried out during both year at 162 &174 locations in the three states of arid western plains viz., Rajasthan, Haryana and Gujarat. A total of 18 host plants under 13 genera (Polyalthia longifolia,Annona squamosa Ziziphus mauritiana, Pithecellobium dulce, Acacia nilotica, Albizia lebeck, Acacia arabica, Delonix regia, Dalbergia sissoo, Peltophorum ferrugineum, Prosopis cineraria, Ficus benjamina, Ficus religiosa, Ficus benghalensis, Ficus racemose, Calliandra calothyrsus, Butea monosperma and Prosopis juliflora) belonging to families of Annonaceae, Rhamnaceae, Fabaceae, Moraceae were recorded during 2021 and 2022. Of these, family Moraceae comprised of highest number of species under different genera and Rhamnaceae family contributed least. The study revealed that peepal, Ficus religiosa was recorded as most predominant natural host for the natural prevalence of lac insect. Among three states maximum host plants with the presence of lac insect were recorded in Rajasthan followed by Haryana and Gujarat, respectively. Among all the host plant samples, highest natural enemies emergence was recorded from the samples of Peepal followed by Ber, Bargad, Kikar, Siris, Palas, Gular, Babool, Sitafal and Sheesham during both years. Lac associated natural enemies emerged from different host samples belonging to three orders viz., Lepidoptera, Neuroptera and Hymenoptera and six families viz., Noctuidae (Eublemma amabilis), Blastobasidae (Pseudohypatopa pulverea), Chrysopidae (Chrysopa spp.) Encyrtidae, Eulophidae and Braconidae. Of emerged natural enemies primary parasitoids were maximum, followed by predators and hyperparasitoids with contribution of 83.97& 83.96, 14.27& 14.24 and 1.73& 1.77 per cent to the total natural enemy population during both years. Individuals emerged from the lac host samples collected from Rajasthan were maximum (632& 522), followed by Haryana (551& 485) and Gujarat (490& 403). Predator E. amabilis had maximum mean and relative density among all predators, whereas, parasitoids belonging to family Encyrtidae was the most blatant parasitoid among all. Predators, E. amabilis and P. pulveria. emerged till the sixth week of sample storage whereas Chrysopa spp. was recorded only during second and third week. Primary parasitoids were recorded to emerge from the samples till the fourth week of the storage. Molecular analysis through comparison of cox1 sequences of new collections with already reported sequences revealed that the collections of these states to be of Rangeeni of K. lacca. The study of different productivity parameters of lac insect Kerria lacca on different lac hosts prevailing in Southern Rajasthan of arid western plains showed that the most preferred host was Ber followed by Peepal, Acacia sp., Palas, Flemingia, Pigeon pea, Custard apple and Kikar respectively. The different parameters of the life cycle of lac insect reveals that the maximum mean initial settlement (120.33 &118.00 crawlers per sq. cm) and mean final settlement (116.67 & 115.00 crawlers per sq. cm) were recorded on lower portion of the Ber host. The minimum mean duration to male emergence of 97.67 days was recorded on Ber at the lower portion and maximum density of cells at maturity i.e. 5.67 & 6.00 female cells per sq.cm at lower portion were recorded on Ber and Peepal, respectively during 2021 and 2022. The maximum brood lac was recorded from Ber host plant during both the years. Phenol content of plants and the production of lac revealed a positive correlation as the production of lac gradually increases with increase in concentration of phenol content of the plantEnglishDiversity of Lac Insect, Kerria lacca (Kerr) Genetic Resources in Arid Western Plains of IndiaThesis