DR. DILIP. R. VAHONIYAPATEL JILESHKUMAR MUKESHBHAI2021-07-122021-07-122019https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810170414Dairying has become an important primary source of income for millions of rural families and has assumed a most important role in providing employment and generating income. Indian Dairying is unique in more than one ways. It ranks first with its 190.9 million cattle & 108.7 million buffaloes accounting for about 51 percent of Asia’s and about 19 per cent of world’s bovine population. Livestock sector contributes 4% of India’s GDP. Dairy sector comprises 65-70% in livestock sector. It also ranks first in milk production with a production of 176.3 million tons in 2017-2018. Contributing about 5.3 per cent to India’s agricultural GDP, milk is a leading agricultural produce. The unique feature of the system is that about 120 million rural families are engaged in milk production activities as against big specialized dairy farmers in Gujarat and Rajasthan. We have two challenges; first, to increase milk productivity of animals with the limited resources, second, to make best use of the efficient use of dairy technology for clean & hygienic milk production at minimum cost. IDMC LTD has come up with various dairy equipment’s and technology which helps the farmers in efficient way of collection and handling of milk.EnglishMARKET SURVEY OF MILKING MACHINE IN SELECTED DISTRICTS OF GUJARAT AND RAJASTHANThesis