TANUVAS2019-03-082019-03-082012http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810097831TNV_PRJT_NMK_2012Broilers are commonly fed crumble type of feeds which is subjected to heat and compression. Pelleting is associated with positive effects for both feed handling and bird performance, including increased feed utilization and better growth rate (Gibson, 1995). Pelleting can also be associated with negative effects, especially when the mixture is overheated. Overheating can result in resistance of protein (Araba and Dale 1990) and starch (Brown, 1996) to digestion, inactivation of vitamins, increased intestinal viscosity (Nissinen, 1994), and inactivation of endogenous enzymes (Inborr and Bedford, 1994).enVeterinary ScienceEFFECT OF PELLETING AND STORAGE ON THE ACTIVITIES OF VARIOUS FEED ENZYMESArticle