SHARMA, RAVINDERJAMES NKWABI2021-01-292021-01-292021-01 Economic analysis of Paddy Production in Lake Zone was conducted to examine the existing socio-economic status and tosocio-economic status along with the factors affecting paddy production. Multistage random sampling technique was used to obtain the representative sample of 265 households from Lake Zone. Results revealed the dominance of male household heads as 87.13 per cent of selected HHs were males and 12.87 per cent females. It was found that the literacy rate varied from97.14 to65.67 per cent among the selected HHs with an average literacy rate of 85.28 per cent, however, the value of literacy index was only1.20 highlighting poor quality of education in the Lake Zone area. The average size of land holdings varied between 6.21 to 19.63 acres with an average of 11.63 acre. Majority of paddy farmers (84.25%) used local varieties which have long grains size good aroma, taste and higher market preference .Study revealed that area, paddy seed, and variety, fertilizer and irrigation were found significantly affecting paddy production. It was observed that paddy farmers in study area mostly depend on area expansion to increase paddy production in Lake Zone of Tanzania. The technical efficiency in paddy production varied between 25 to 82 per cent with an average efficiency of 58 per cent. However, technical efficiency varied between the selected districts. Important factors affecting technical inefficiency in Lake Zone were, age, education, off farm income, experience, gender and interaction between extension and education. Experience of paddy farmers (-0.34) revealed to play a major role in reduction of inefficiency for paddy farmers in Lake Zone followed by interaction between extension and education (-0.17). The major production challenges found were drought faced 89.81 per cent of paddy farmers followed by pests (34.34 %), shortage of inputs (31.32 %) and diseases. Thus variations in productivity among paddy farmers were due to differences in efficiency which was affected by various farm specific socio-economic factors. Location specific results indicated that in all the selected districts variations between potential and observed output was due to the technical inefficiencies as technical efficiency ranged from 26 per cent to 82 per cent.EnglishECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF PADDY PRODUCTION IN LAKE ZONE OF TANZANIAThesis