Goswami, JogeshBORDOLOI, NAYAN JYOTI2021-01-052021-01-052020-09https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810159223An experiment entitled “Intercropping of buckwheat and lathyrus in rice fallow under organic ecosystem” was conducted at instructional-cum-research farm, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat during the rabi season of 2017-18 with the objective to evaluate efficient proportion of intercrops under organic management system in rice fallow land and to monitor soil physico-chemical properties as influenced by different intercrops. The experiment was laid out in randomised block design with 3 replications. The experiment was consisted of nine different treatment combinations namely T1 [Sole buckwheat]; T2 [Sole lathyrus as grain ]; T3 [Sole lathyrus as fodder ];T4 [Buckwheat + Lathyrus as grain (1:1)]; T5 [Buckwheat + Lathyrus as fodder (1:1)]; T6 [Buckwheat + Lathyrus as grain (2:1)]; T7 [Buckwheat + Lathyrus as fodder (2:1)]; T8 [Buckwheat + Lathyrus as grain(2:2)] and T9 [Buckwheat + Lathyrus as fodder (2:2)]. The soil was sandy loam with high in organic C (0.77 %). The initial nutrient content of the soil were, N (296.56 kg/ha), P2O5 (34.88 kg/ha) and K2O (148.32 kg/ha). The present investigation revealed that the yield of buckwheat, lathyrus grain and lathyrus fodder was highest in respective sole treatments and decreased with increasing share of intercrops [1,088.71kg/ha (for buckwheat)], 465.34kg/ha (for lathyrus grain), 6023.60 kg/ha (for lathyrus fodder)]. Among different intercropping systems highest buckwheat equivalent yield was obtained in buckwheat + lathyrus as grain at a ratio of 2:2. In terms of intercropping advantage measured by land equivalent ratio (LER), three intercropping viz T8 [Buckwheat + Lathyrus as grain(2:2)]; T9 [Buckwheat + Lathyrus as fodder (2:2)] and T5 [Buckwheat + Lathyrus as fodder (1:1)] showed superior performance over the sole croppings. However, intercropping of buckwheat + lathyrus as grain in 2:2 ratio recorded highest LER values over the other intercropping systems indicating intercrop advantage. Intercropping of buckwheat + lathyrus as grain at 2:2 row proportion proved to be the best since it recorded highest K value (3.32) indicating better complementary effect. Overall soil health as measured by soil available N, P and K content and organic carbon after harvest of test crops was not affected much due to sole and intercropping systems. Among different treatments, the highest cost of cultivation (₹25,100.00) was recorded in sole buckwheat. Among the intercroppings, the highest gross return (₹77,237.75.00), net return (₹55,024.75.00) and B:C (2.48) were obtained in buckwheat + lathyrus as (G) in 2:2. This study showed that among the sole cropping treatments, buckwheat was found to be the best crop under rice fallow land organic ecosystem. As a whole intercropping of buckwheat with lathyrus as grain in 2:2 ratio found to be the best in respect of buckwheat equivalent yield, biological efficiency and economic point of view. Since the findings are based on one year experimentation, further validation in farmers field will be helpful for generating best technology under fallow land organic ecosystem.EnglishINTERCROPPING OF BUCKWHEAT AND LATHYRUS IN RICE FALLOW UNDER ORGANIC ECOSYSTEMThesis