Mehta, ManjuSavita Kumari2017-06-032017-06-032016 (Vitis vinifera L.) is an important fruit crop in India. Grapes are the third most widely cultivated fruit after citrus and banana. Major grape – growing states are Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra- Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and the north- western region covering Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, western, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. Grape farming is less in physical nature but more in skillfully nature. Grape farming cultivation result in various health hazards and risks. The specific objective were the study on work profile and working conditions in grape cultivation, to assess the occupational risks in grape cultivation, to develop an ergo solution for highly risk prone activity in grape cultivation. The present study entitled” occupational risk factor in grape cultivation and its ergo solution” was conducted in three phases, phase-I three districts of Haryana state were selected purposively in consultation with Horticultural Department of Haryana state, where grape cultivation is being done and six grape orchards from these districts was selected randomly for the field study. PhaseII two Grape orchards were selected randomly for field experiment out of the six grape orchards selected in phase I. Phase-III. An ergo solution was developed in Phase III The feedback of ergo solution was also taken. For collecting the relevant data as per objective an interview schedule was prepared. Results revealed that a huge majority of respondents were doing grape farming from more than 9 years. Cent percent of the respondents were taking rest in between the work with length of work period 4-8 hours per days. Majority of the respondents were taking rest period of 60-120 min. Maximum problems faced by the grape orchard workers was postural problem, injuries/cuts, work place problem, physical problem, problem due to pesticides, problem due to work, problem due to high temperature and economic problem. In winter season temperature, light, humidity was below recommended value and CO2 and suspended particles matter were above recommended value. In summer season temperature and suspended particles matter were above recommended value and CO 2 and humidity and light below recommended value. Occupational risk was assessed through on the basis of physical load, biomechanical stress, physiological load and time load. On the basis of physical load and total repetitive strain in the grape cultivation pruning and harvesting activity had highest occupational risk. Maximum musculoskeltal discomforts of workers in grape cultivation were in harvesting activity. As per biomechanical stress and physiological load and time load pruning followed by harvesting were risky activity. Hence ergo solution was developed for these activities. The Acceptability of improved grape pruning secateurs highlighted that appearances and easy to work highest rank. Feasibility index of grape pruning secateurs was 93.2 indicating that it was highly feasible for them to use. The acceptability of ergo stool for pruning and harvesting highlighted that appearances and acceptable for use got highest rank. Feasibility index of ergo stool for pruning and harvesting was 82.8 indicated that ergo stool for pruning and harvesting was acceptable to the users.enGrape harvesting, Cultivation, Pruning, Occupation riskOccupational risk factor in grape cultivation and its ergo-solutionThesis