SHASHIDHAJR, S DAGASANAL, KASHINATH S2019-10-132019-10-131996No. of references 57 attempt was made to study the "Influence of accelerated aged seeds of sunflower restorer lines on growth, seed yield and hybrid performance". The experiment was carried out in both laboratory and field in randomised block design using factorial concept during late rabbi 1995- 96 at Agricultural College Farm, Dharwad. Four sunflower varieties (restorer 1ines) RHA-27 4, RLC-2 , IV-83 and VI -7 8 were subjected to accelerated aging at 42 ± 2°C temperature and 100 per cent relative humidity for zero day AA , two days AA, four days AA and six days AA periods. Laboratory studies after aging the seed showed that zero day aged seeds recorded high germination and had greater shoot length, root length, seedling length , seedl1ng dry matter accumulation, vigour indices , speed of germination and field emergence while Electrical Conductivity (EC) of seed leachate was lowest. Significant reduction in all these parameters were observed as the aging period advanced in all the restorer lines and icreased EC of seed leachate. High vigour seed (zero day aged) cons istently showed better field performance on plant height, number of leaves, number of branches, days to 50 per cent flowering, maturity, capitulum diameter, number of filled seeds per capitulum, per cent seed set per head, seed test weight, seed yield per plant and seed yield per hectare while , signifcant reduction in growth parameters, yield and yield components were noticed in six days aging treatment . The performance of aged restorer lines on hybrid seed set, yield and its seed quality revealed that there was slight reduction in number of filled hybrid seeds per capitulum, per cent seed set per head, seed test weight, hybrid seed yield per plant and hybrid seed yield per hectare with the decrease in vigour levels of restorer lines in al l the hybrids. Percentage decrease in germination was of lower magnitude with increase in period of aging of restorer lines in all the hybrids. Higher shoot length, root length, seedling length , seedling dry matter accumulation and vigour indices were recorded in the hybrids crossed with zero day aged restorer lines .ennullEFFECT OF POST HARVEST OPERATIONS AT DIFFERENT MOISTURE LEVELS ON SEED QUALITY IN SOYBEANThesis