JITENDER K CHAUHANDIVYA PANDEY2023-11-062023-11-062023-09-28https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810200473ABSTRACT The present investigation entitled “Interactive effects of nano zinc, AM fungi and selenobacteria for selenium biofortification in strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.)” was carried out during two consecutive years 2020-21 and 2021-22 under protected conditions, with the objectives to assess the impact of nanozinc, the viability of coinoculating AMF and selenobacteria to increase Se content, as well as their potential interactions on strawberry yield and quality. Eighteen treatment combinations arranged in a randomized complete block design comprising two levels of AM fungi viz., without AM fungi (AM0) and with AM fungi (AM1); three levels of selenobacteria namely, SeB0, SeB1 and SeB2 (without selenobacteria, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and Alcaligenes faecalis, respectively) and three levels of foliar nano zinc oxide viz., ZnO0, ZnO1 and ZnO2 (0, 100 and 200 ppm, respectively). The interaction of AM1 × SeB1 × ZnO1 i.e. plants rhizoinoculated with AM fungi, selenobacterial strain Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and foliar application of nano zinc oxide @ 100ppm, resulted in the highest cumulative fruit number (36.02 per plant), fruit yield per plant (611.18 g) and yield efficiency (7.34 g/cm2 LA) in strawberry plants. However, the above interaction also recorded, highest values of total soluble solids (10.46 ˚Brix), titratable acidity (0.77%), total sugars (7.54%), fruit anthocyanin content (45.29 mg/100 ml) and fruit zinc content (36.40 ppm). Fruit phosphorus and selenium content increased significantly as a result of the AM1 × SeB1 (i.e. AM fungi and selenobacterial strain Stenotrophomonas maltophilia) with measured values of 0.37% and 0.80 μg/g, respectively. Maximum values for acid phosphatase enzyme (151.03 g pNPP/g/ha soil) and alkaline phosphatase enzyme (222.55 g pNPP/g/ha soil) were found in the strawberry field with the interaction, AM1 × SeB1 × ZnO1.EnglishINTERACTIVE EFFECTS OF NANO ZINC, AM FUNGI AND SELENOBACTERIA FOR SELENIUM BIOFORTIFICATION IN STRAWBERRY (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.)Thesis