Ansari, I. A.Kerketta, Jenet2017-07-292017-07-292010 OF SELF HELP GROUPS ENGAGED IN ENTREPRENEURIAL ACTIVITIES (INDIVIDUAL/GROUP) AT BADLAO FOUNDATIONFrom the study, following conclusions were drawn:-  It was found that members were active and some of them became a success story due to enhanced higher family income which led towards an improved quality of life, as they had some important entrepreneurial abilities.  The knowledge, awareness and practices associated with entrepreneurship in rural areas is less as compared to the urban area. An important reason was, as Agriculture was the primary source of livelihood, hence they were engaged in it and at off-season when they did not do Agricultural practices, then only they were involved in ―Petty Businesses‖, such as, Leaf-Plate Making, Bidi Making, Selling of Forest Products like- Seasonal Fruits etc. Although there exists some impact of urbanization in Jitwabahiyar Village of Karnpura Extension Centre, still it remains cocooned within the boundaries of illiteracy, unawareness and poverty.  There were some challenges because entrepreneurship is a package of characteristics. Every entrepreneur may not have all the characteristics, but it is a fact that ―entrepreneurs are not only born they can be developed too‖.  Most of the SHGs members were very curious about ―Group Business Plan‖ and took interest as they could get an opportunity to become self-dependent.en-USnullSTUDY OF SELF HELP GROUPS ENGAGED IN ENTREPRENEURIAL ACTIVITIES (INDIVIDUAL/GROUP) AT BADLAO FOUNDATIONThesis