K.S. HARSHA2019-07-052019-07-052005http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810112909Poultry industry is one of the fast growing agribased activity in India. In past three decade it has became one of the most dynamic and expeditious sector. In recent years there has been tremendous growth in broiler production and has entered the top 20 countries in the world. Intensive nature of poultry production has created conducive atmosphere for the spread of disease. With rising cost of labour and materials in the past few years poultry farmers are reusing the litter. This has lead to the high levels of ammonia (Reece et al., 1979). Poultry house has a complex dynamic system of social interactions, husbandry system, light, temperature and the aerial environment. In addition, the high stocking density in the modem poultry house may lead to reduced air quality with high concentration of aerial pollutants. Poultry are continuously exposed to ammonia and other noxious gases in poultry house. Continuous exposure of birds to these gases are known to affect not only production but also increases the susceptibility of birds to respiratory diseases.STUDIES ON EFFECT OF AMMONIA IN COMMERCIAL BROILER CHICKEN AND ITS CONTROLThesis